
I guess it used to sit on the Indiana Kentucky border, when it was a boat? But now it sits in southern Indiana. Across the river from Kentucky.

I worked at a nice restaurant that did Sunday chicken dinner. The reality is probably just that they knew they’d be selling the chicken out faster than they could fry it, so they were just dropping huge batches and putting it under a warmer for expo to just grab as the orders came in. The chicken was likely just as

It’s coming, Drew teased us on twitter a few days ago, made it look like he was about to publish it, but apparently he was just digging in, judging by the amount of time we’ve been waiting...

Williamson should never have stepped foot on a NCAA court. While enjoyable to watch play, seeing him bully college teams for a season before going to be miserable on the Knicks isn’t really good for anyone. He should have been allowed to go be miserable on the Knicks immediately after HS.

My wife and I are expecting our first in a few weeks. We just finished up the classes at the hospital and I was shocked at all the people that were going natural. My wife and I looked at each other as if to say, what the fuck is wrong with these people.

I laughed entirely too hard at shriveled ham goblin, then when I pictured Danny DeVito lost at sea chasing a rum ham...it got so much worse.

1. I lived in Indy for 13 years and am a restaurant/hospitality veteran. I am also a hardcore St. Elmo’s hater. I think it’s over rated, over priced and every time someone comes to town and asks for recommendations for food it causes an unhealthy level of fury when the person they asked says “Elmo’s”

Not fair to call Kentucky fans bandwagon. They can’t even spell bandwagon.

You wanna know whats worse...getting up for a London game on Mountain time, going to the soccer bar in town because they’re the only ones open that early only to have your team fucking tie...TIE!

Edit: Fucking Kinja

I think what we’re learning about Megan is her food takes are shit, worse that Original Milk and Honey whatthefuckever mix.

Cue the never ending list of almost 2 decade old jokes about Cincinnati and the Bengals from the ever so current event minded commentariat.

This joke is so old and tired it’s practically from before McVay was old enough to even follow football.

My dad had a 1964 Corvette that he had torn apart to do a full restore on. But when us kids came along it got put on the back burner. The chassis sat in our garage, the body under tarp in the driveway, the rest of it in various boxes.

Mike Brown only picked a young guy because he knows he can probably pick him up on the cheap.

This guy was the original Grayson Allen.

Dammit, really wanted the turbo to be an option.

Breajing News:. Hammocks

ABQ is...not great. But if you’re going make the most of it and eat ALL of the Flying Star.

Perhaps you’re conflating the Mazda 3 Hatch with the Mazda CX-3? The CX-3 is a 2.0L Crossover, the Mazda 3 Hatch is a 2.5L Hot Hatch. The CX-3 will have a AWD option, but I don’t think the 3 5-door does?