
I think it was mostly because nobody wanted to live where they were so they never made up treaties to steal their land

This is AVCub news not Jezebel just write the story asshole

It was the manner in which you explained your intent very dicklike. The idea that you were concerned that the original poster would be embarrassed as the reason for not acknowledging your error suggests you might be a sociopath.

Yeah the major nono for binge drinking is eating junk food after which is when it tastes the best

As long as you don’t eat anything for about 10 hours after you stop drinking you’re good.

They’re just for decoration now

I was but you keep trying to blame other people for your inability to write a coherent comment. Your dickishness is forcing me to continue.

Damn now I need to know who got fired from his first day on the set as the New York dude.

You’re the only one who’s wound up. Respond or don’t it doesn’t matter to me

The only misunderstanding was on your part. Your inability to accept it is why you’re a dick.

Yup one more dick put in their place

And yet you said “caveat to that rule” and the clearly stated rule was that If Madeline Kahn is involved it will be a good time. Since you were responding to the original poster you’re wrong.

Madeline Kahn isn’t in Ocean’s 11

He’s probably going to get a Trump tatoo underneath his Nixon one.

At the end of every home stand so probably once a week on average

You don’t know who’s in the movie that’s for sure

That’s because she isn’t in it.

I’m not familiar with the band but they claim they have been selling memorabilia with Lady A on it for several years

Lady Bellum

Trademarks are a weird thing once somebody trademarks a name it’s up to the people who were already using it to prove it. Unfortunately she never did that probably because she was unaware of it and her level of popularity didn’t warrant trademarking her name.