
It was a significant upgrade on his Body Heat rug.

I’d say the current equivalent is Paul Rudd. 

The first one is good it came out in 70 but it’s definitely a relic of the old studio system that died a couple of years later. 75 is ok the other 2 stink.

It was pretty much all because of Nimoy. He insisted on being killed off for 2 and then leveraged his return in exchange for a directing credit.

Now playing

There’s a guy on youtube who opens up old military rations and eats what he thinks is edible. I’ve seen him eat vietnam era canned peanut butter or jelly but any meat or fruit or vegetables are always bad.

Looks interesting it’s a shame I’ll never watch it. Random roles are for reading.

He didn’t do it in blackface he did a voice impersonation

I remember seeing the Kimmel Karl Malone blackface at the time and being shocked that there was no backlash.

Even the network standards and practices for ok-ing it

I’m sure they were pretty disappointed when they checked the archives of the Patriots Official Documentary crew and found only 3 minutes of stuff on Brady and 20 years of video of other teams practices.

I only started reading Deadspin once the Avclub got Kinjaed so maybe it was better before that but most of the articles I read were stupid hot takes which is pretty similar to what the new Deadspin is now.

The article also gives the impression that if you request an upgrade to a better seat without having any status you will get it as long as there are no elite or premium passengers ahead of you making a request.

They didn’t ask him to be on the ground they asked him to walk towards them with his hands in the air.

There was a documentary

Next time do less opting

When Tarantino worked with Kurt Russell on Death Proof he brought along his personal stunt double Dick Warlock who he had worked with for 25 years

Well the boys are thirsty in Atlanta and there’s beer in Texarkana.

Except for the 19 episodes which Faizon Love was on.

I remember that idiot reviewer at Slate was pushing that hard luckily I’ve forgotten his name. 

I’d say for the xmas season of 2024