
It was a song for hire so it wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t written by Loggins and he was 5th choice to perform it behind Toto, Bryan Adams,REO Speedwagon and Corey Hart who all passed.

Officer and a Gentleman came out in 82 they should have known the odds of making it without knocking up a townie were very low.

Top Mick lol

Anytime Billy Crystal is on the screen the movie heads for the shitter other than that it’s good.

Thank you for not just posting the video without a transcript

I think they should have gone all in with the magic handjob thing. Every week have her time travel to a town with the plague or after a battle and she could cure folk 4 at a time assuming she used optimal tip to tip efficiency.

He’ll send you the ten in a sealed zip lock bag which you won’t ever open.

They’ve only renewed each season after they’ve seen the numbers for a few episodes each season so they haven’t really agreed to anything

No just my recollection of the online discussion of the numbers at the time for both Deadwood and the Wire. The high rating was for the season premiere and was from the lead in of coming on after the Sopranos but it went below a million after that which is where seasons 1 and 3 were as well. 

I think they had some vague notion they wanted to use him next season but couldn’t be bothered to write a coherent role for why he was still around.

Krause warned Pippen not to sign the contract he wanted and told him he would not renegotiate if he did.

It’s highest ratings were for the last 2 seasons

Only 2 comedies ever won an Oscar for best picture both were made by Frank Capra over 80 years ago.

It should have ended with one last reveal of Caleb turns out his reason for not raping Dolores was that she isn’t his type. Then he pulls out a portable EMP and zaps Maeve with it. Her last words before shutting down as he gets on top of her are” Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal”.

Yup turns out Rehoboam’s one weakness is that he had never heard of a firewall.

What if it is programmed to be raped?

My favourite was when Serac’s top super badass guy showed up with his Garotte it turned out his fatal flaw was that his spine was made out of pudding.

So basically your theory is that you’re smart and everyone else is dumb.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.