
@cwbys21: Oh I realize that, but if they want digital media to be more attractive they have to either get manufacturers to make the switch, or allow a price variance (neither is likely, of course)

They need to do a lot before digital downloads completely replace physical media. It needs to be AS versatile as physical media.

@Beatcamel: It's there, you keep missing it because you're too busy looking for things to complain about.

@Foohy: YES. Each person's story could easily be a 30-45 minute episode all on it's own. I don't know why, or how, you'd condense it all into even a 3 hour movie.

@Daemonicus: Because all people always behave rationally with sound logic, ESPECIALLY during the apocalypse.

@The Sentient Meat: Blasphemy! Gonzo is a weirdo and Grover is a monster! Very different personalities, too! For example, Gonzo enjoys beer, whereas Grover is more a merlot drinker. Duh!

There are loads of potentially good female roles in Sci-Fi, it just depends on if you're interested. She was apparently interested enough to make Monsters vs. Aliens — and that was a movie with a bit more depth (at least for her character) than I was expecting.

Hopefully developers will react by making more of the apps trial, free versions w ads, or the rare "temporarily free". I already thought 24 hours was ridiculous when most retailers give you 30-days to return a product, this is just plain BS.

@foolish-rain: WORD. I had a job where I literally had to log every task into a "trouble ticket" system. Transferred a call to someone else: ticket. Create, Close, Create, Close, Create, Close. Checked voicemail: ticket. Answered a 2 second phone call: ticket. At the end of the month, THOUSANDS of useless tickets

@techfox: I'm not disputing that it happens, I'm just saying in 5 years of being a user this is the very first I've heard of it.

@jupigare: then you may not be getting enough sleep. Everyone's body is different, some folks only need 6 hours, others need 9. Once you figure out how much you need, waking up it's just a matter of going to bed at the right time -and doing so consistently.

The best one for me has been getting up at roughly the same time every day. I get up at about 4am 5 days a week. On Saturday I get up at 5 and Sunday being up at 6 feels like sleeping in.

@Mastiff: What interesting, complex characters are there in the first 6 comics that are missing? Alan? Donna? Really? Donna is a busybody(STEREOTYPE) and we learn almost nothing about Alan. They have twin babies that add nothing to the plot (at this point).

I think one thing that's going on here is a sort of romanticization of the comic to a degree. People aren't able to seperate their memory (which may not be accurate) of what happened in the comic, or their impression of what happened from what was literally on the page.

@Mastiff: It adds something interesting for the wife.

@Burke: the attack at the camp happens early in the comics almost exactly the same way except Rick and Glenn are there for it.