Just S League: Superman, Supergirl, Starfire, Swamp Thing, Spoiler, Speedy, Stargirl, Sandman, and Saturn Girl.
Just S League: Superman, Supergirl, Starfire, Swamp Thing, Spoiler, Speedy, Stargirl, Sandman, and Saturn Girl.
Well, I have no idea if the series is supposed to be based on the Pitt-Jolie movie or something else, but I’m happy to see Erskine in something else after PEN15 ended.
Good points. I’d sort of forgotten about Stature.
Yeah, that pull quote jumped out at me as another example of Randall seemingly not getting the whole Theranos situation. The only real mystery is when Holmes would have had to realize that the machine was never going to work, at least in the way that she’d been promising all along; “never” is an option, because one of…
Billy, Tommy, Kate Bishop, Kamala Khan, Patriot (Eli Bradley)--that’s it for the teenagers so far, right?
Never, ever, ever underestimate Paramount/CBS/Viacom/etc.’s ability to make shitty corporate decisions. This is sure dumb, but not even a patch on the whole UPN fiasco.
Sure, and I completely get their wanting to revive the subfranchise in a big way, especially after the Inhumans TV series/movie/lunchbox/whatever ended up screwing the pooch, and they ended up getting the X-Men back anyway. I guess that I’m pretty much beyond burnt-out on big crossover events, and this whole Krakoa…
I may be one of the few people here who doesn’t think that Hickman is this Great Man of Comics, but this project (as an overall project) just doesn’t seem like much of a much; Hickman to me has always been this guy who comes up with these grand overarching plans, but not only doesn’t really seem to get characters but…
I was wondering if she had to use some sort of special adhesive around the lips to make sure that the mask’s mouth moved when hers did. (That won’t work for the eyes, so she put on shades.)
Look, her beloved if fading grandma got it for her for Christmas, and she has to wear it just this one time and then it will be, ah, “retired.”
I think you’re right--the occupational hazard of the con artist is that they’ll con themselves, and there’s a lot of magical thinking in Holmes’ “fake it until you make it” mantra.
“What is the root of the problem?” she asks, prompting a stunned reaction from Sunny that says what she no longer seems to understand: The root of the problem is that the tech doesn’t work and probably never will. But that seems beyond Elizabeth now.
That’s who that was! I haven’t seen her since she was on The Practice.
Frankly, I was into the first one mostly for the schadenfreude of their having to reduce their lifestyle, funded by the ongoing scam of time-shares. (Still sad about the daughter dying, though; one of the really sad bits about the documentary was how much the parents tried to overcompensate for their own narcissism…
The anti-eroticism works, at least up to a point, because it’s partly about how eroticism gets commodified and exploited. But ultimately the film itself is strongly exploitative, without any of the irony that redeems Verhoeven’s best films such as Robocop or Starship Troopers.
In both his appearance and his general behavior, Andrew Giuliani is like the least appealing aspects of every Will Ferrell character ever.
My main hope is that there’s a crossover with John Cena’s Peacemaker, with Christopher Smith appearing at first like the one in the first Reyes Blue Beetle series--no costume, tattoos on his arms, riding a motorcycle--and then the rest of the 11th Street Kids show up and it turns out that Smith was just test-driving a…
He was both the primary beneficiary of the superstar-screenwriter trend and the primary proof that it was bullshit. Nowhere in this interview is it mentioned that he’s the guy who gifted the world with the line, “Well, she got that magna cum laude pussy on her that done fried up your brain!” He’s arguably also the guy…
Chalamet and Holland fighting would be passé by then. Now, Chalamet kissing Holland would probably get them both banned for life.
Remember how the first several episodes included bits from Elizabeth’s deposition? They kinda dropped that, huh?