Wow. I mean, I knew that it could be bad, but I didn’t imagine that bad.
Wow. I mean, I knew that it could be bad, but I didn’t imagine that bad.
Yoda’s also the guy who couldn’t tell that Palpatine was a Sith master, or that he was grooming Anakin to be his disciple practically right in front of him.
I would assume that anyone smart enough to get tenure at Stanford is privy to orders of magnitude more information than the average (or even the above-average) freshman.
My father cannot understand my visceral loathing of one local city councilman based on one interaction I had with him in a professional context back in, I shit you not, 2005. But one interaction was all I needed to get my fill of his condescension and ignorance.
I think it’s more like one part Ledger’s Joker to, let’s say, about three parts Hannibal Lecter. This is really just Will Graham’s scene with Lecter from Red Dragon with different costumes/makeup.
Honestly, it had never oc-curd to me.
All of Star Wars canon is in the Journal of the Whills, written in another galaxy millenia from the time of the stories.
I just realized that I’ve been confusing Kaley Cuoco and Riley Keough for a while, and narrowly avoided saying, “Well, she’s still a better actress than her grandfather.”
Because of the Inquisitorious driving them underground; I also think that without other Jedi around to reinforce their code, some of them probably weren’t that interested in getting together any more or really doing the Jedi thing in general. I mean, if someone becomes a Jedi, does that mean that Yoda or whoever can…
That screen shot above shows him, Colatani, Pyle, and Jed Rees (has done a ton of things, including the creepy recruiter in Deadpool). Other Thermians included Patrick Breen (the one who’s a Dr. Lazarus stan), who’s done dozens of things, and Matt Winston, son of special effects legend Stan Winston, who was also the…
But it’s a really big galaxy, though. In fact, wasn’t it the relative scarcity of Jedi (even worse after the massacre at Geonosis) that justified the clone army in the first place? I don’t know if there’s ever been an official number of inhabited/habitable planets in SW canon, but I think that space operas in general…
For once, The Boys’ Kimiko’s ripping people’s faces off doesn’t seem excessive.
He’d make a great mentor to Ahsoka, though.
Luke survived practically the same thing; Windu is a Jedi master, and he could have landed in a skycar, same as Anakin did on Coruscant when he did a bit of impromptu base jumping. And I think that he may have some use as a character, per delete999999's comment, if they ditch the whole light/dark Force, Jedi/Sith…
There are two scenes that exemplify what’s wrong with the movie: early on, Daredevil is in a fight in a bar (I think, it’s been a while); gunshots are ringing out around him in the relatively small enclosed space, and he has no problems with that. Later, though, he’s in a church, and the sound of the church bell (not…
One of the best, most fun DS9 episodes was them literally stepping into one of the most beloved TOS episodes; before that, they had the three Klingon captains from TOS doing One Last Battle together. TNG featured McCoy, Spock, Sarek, and Scotty at different times. Trek has never rehashed its past? Please.
Wait’ll they see Luke Cage rolling off of Jessica Jones and going, “Sweet Christmas!”
Or like about every other Texan ever.
There’s another update to this story, of sorts: the Portland Mercury published an article about sexual harassment on the sets of Leverage and The Librarians; Christian Kane is the one implicated in most of this, but Hutton is also accused as well.…
As someone who gave up on the comic about 2/3rds of the way through—which I have never done with any other series with a definite end, even ones that got stale—I can reassure you that this series is much better than the source material. There’s still a ton of gore, but the writing is much more deft and Butcher is much…