
Exactly this. This woman hijacked a worthy topic and conversation just so that she could post pictures of herself, and spread “awareness” of her own brand. Period. She could have easily set up a charitable donation account or at the very least, linked to an established organization that is already trying to help these

I don’t think pain and loss like that ever really go away, you just learn to live with it as best you can :( I don’t think its strange at all, she’s a part of you even if you don’t have many memories.

I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to deal with the loss of a parent at such a young age, and then to violence on top of that. Hugs to you.

I think the watching the mom was absolutely heartbreaking. That poor woman looked as if she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders as each episode progressed you could tell it was breaking her down.

Ugh, that was gut wrenching.

Or perhaps he helped her load or unload her equipment? That’s what my first thought was.

Agree with you on Shep. His hands aren’t completely clean as long as he cashes checks from Murdoch et al and in order to get along with the plan he has to harbor some of the same feelings that the network espouses, but damn sometimes it really does look like a dear caught i headlights, at a complete loss as to how he

^^^ So true. Kelly keeps getting an undeserved pass. She may not be Hannity and Trump levels of batshit crazy, but she most definitely has a well-earned seat at the casual racist table. Even when she tries to use Oprah to demonstrate she really does have a black friend y’all it comes off so wrong.

Damn. You nailed it.

Well, one thing you can say for meth, I guess it helps with organization and efficiency.

Same here for us southerners. I’ve added a shit ton of honey to my Honey Nut Cheerios before cuz YOLO! I don’t like mixing my food flavors so this particular cake doesn’t really appeal to me but it doesn’t disgust me. I definitely know some people personally who would go IN on this.

Yes, but that was the perfect way to describe it.

Oh my god. This happens to be all the time. Not only the belt loop but also the purse. Grr. Also I always have some bruise on my leg from running into the bed, door frame etc. Thankfully I’m brown so they aren’t as noticeable but I know they are there.

In addition to it being racist as shit to begin with, the few times I’ve personally witnessed a person donning blackface for Halloween (because college students can be stupid) they tend to act out that character with gross, over-the-top cartoonish racist stereotypes. Its never just about the face paint.

Oh my dammit...the Cold Stone story. Broke me down.

Yep, it just continues the trend of commodifying higher education. Thankfully, I haven’t seem this at my alma mater...yet. I have no doubt its coming in the next few years if these trends persist though.

Sad, but you are 100% correct.

You know when I watched that Twitter post I couldn’t understand how an academic who presumably has dedicated his life to higher education and academia couldn’t answer a simple answer about systemic oppression. I mean, just through sheer osmosis one that spends any time in academic pursuits should have encountered the

I’m a POC. And while I use the abbreviation to mean Person of Color, I also use POC to mean Pop of Color when talking fashion or lipstick. This doesn’t offend me. Poorly thought out because its not unique enough and can have too many meanings which probably isn’t the route you wanna go when selecting a handle for a

Agreed, the trailer had fail written all over it. What a waste of great source material.