
Not sure he can reach California, but he can reach Guam and Seoul without breaking a sweat. Also, lest we forget, there are 35,000 US troops at the Korean border.

50/50 at best.

My mom called me up and asked me if I knew what the word meant. I confirmed that I did. She said that relieved her, and she told me to have a good day and hung up. Old girl is losing it.

Finally something nice.

Automatic 85%.

Federal sentences are an automatic 85%. So minimum 18 months.

I just saw them do this at Riot Fest, complete with commentary. It was awesome.

Spice channel on a pirated converter. It was wavy.

Jackie Collins!

My favorite part of the Victorian era is that if you read Queen Victoria’s diaries, her and Albert, were, uh, spirited in their togetherness.

Are we going to sit around and argue about not being intersectional enough for three hours?

This is hard because, unfortunately, corporeal punishment is very cultural. How do you break that?

Um, wow, you people are nuts.

God, they sound boring.

Because it’s not pretend and you people are freaks?

I was responding to his asinine comment about “buy low and sell high”, but thanks, red pill dude.

It’s 9pm and I’m bored. Like you’d know any bankers...I’m sure you’ve never left Alabama. I’m also a woman and not fetching your slippers. By the way, I majored in marketing and psychology, and then got a graduate degree at University of Chicago with a concentration in econ, and definitely know more about stocks

I agree too. They’re going to keep trying until they find some way to kill poor people, it’ll be this one or the next one.

Can’t be any worse.

I much prefer Juggalo’s to Trump supporters.