
Investment Banker, you racist trailer trash.

I think there’s a perception that millenials, are uptight, unfun, no sense of humor and overly PC.. It’s right about half the time.

Justice Kennedy’s Supreme Court seat.

I have mixed feelings here....yes, he did something really wrong. Yes, he should be punished. But when someone like Brock Turner gets three months, or the Vanderbilt rapists get 15 years, getting 14 years for what he did seems....excessive.

I prefer my bodega with two drunk kids buying white owls, a homeless guy talking to himself, and a cute fat cat. So sue me.

Losing votes isn’t fine with Kennedy’s seat at stake, I’m sorry.

That’s probably fair.

Giggle - the Bernie Bros are out in full force in the greys.

My guess is they stuck her in the freezer to sleep it off, not realizing it would kill her. Some friends..

You suggested Bernie isn’t the messiah....get ready to get pilloried.

Sure way to lose every election not in California or Vermont.

This is so going to bite us in the ass, and it might almost be worth it to make the Bernie wing go away.

Yeah, but sadly that was about the fact that being married to Ted Cruz drove her to an emotional breakdown. (I kid, supposedly she had hella severe post partum depression, which isn’t funny at all).

The two Queens and one Bronx district are not affluent.

Seriously, ewww.

Thanks. I just spit my iced tea up all over my new laptop.

I wonder if he’ll remember the names of these.

Beat me to it.

Your Trump supporting triumvirate at the top doesn’t need any help from the fans to be objectively terrible humans that everyone like to see lose.

It’ll probably just be HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...HA.