A hiker ascending a 10,000-footer hauling lasagna with meat sauce wasn’t particularly prepared for every eventuality, you say?
A hiker ascending a 10,000-footer hauling lasagna with meat sauce wasn’t particularly prepared for every eventuality, you say?
Looks like a Range Rover mated with BB-8
The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.
No one ever told Ross that kidnapping would be a stroll through the park.
This makes United seem almost unbelievably incompetent. Why were people allowed to board if they knew not all of them were going to be on the plane? Denying someone boarding is way easier than asking someone who’s sitting down to get off.
In what universe is this not just a done-deal massive cash settlement for the poor sap they just dragged off the flight? Even if united had contractual authority to remove passengers for this reason, doing so BY FORCE seems like it’s just making someone a millionaire overnight...
I can’t look at any picture of Bertha and feel positive. Eff Seattle DOT right in the A.
For sale: Large tunneling machine
If we pretend like he’s not here, maybe he’ll leave...
Let’s be honest, the real crime here is vertical video.
Success in this tournament should be important to the MLS but instead they run out teams who qualified 2 seasons ago in a league that values parity over continuity so in all likelihood those teams suck or are mediocre by then. The scheduling also screws us but it usually does in MLS
A big part of this website’s appeal to me is the folks that comment. I know that for every lame dad joke made (guilty) there will be a quality post that helps me better understand what I just read. Thanks for the info.
Each pole has a different stiffness (measured in CM of deflexion), and length (lol, i know). The faster/stronger/more technically sound you are, the more pressure you can get into a longer, stiffer pole, and the higher heights you can clear. The standards that hold the crossbar also can be adjusted anywhere between…
Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
I’m sure you’ll say a lot of stupid things until you’re blue in the face. Cyclists have as much of a right to the road as anyone else. If you can’t be trusted to remain aware of what is on the road with you then you shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car.
Yep get those cars off the roads until they can learn to drive safely!
Pro tip from a woman: If you want to “respect your wife,” then don’t cheat on her, or flirt with other women, or be a prop in an administration that is an international embarrassment. None of that precludes you from have a normal business relationship with other women, which often includes eating. You know, the thing…
The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.
from my post over on The Slot article about this: