
“Must be sold to an out of state resident or licensed dealer” = Will not pass its California emissions test. 

Supply and demand, baby. Same price structure on cruise ships and movie theaters. And in defense of the gas station, a little pre-planning with fueling up before driving into the desert and traveling with plenty of water is simple common sense. 

The outside looks ace, but the interior is anachronistically atrocious

I’m curious, just how do these morons see situations like this ending for them?

They knew.

If you think you wake up in the same position you were in when you fell asleep, you really ought to set up a camera to find out just how much people move in their sleep.

How are they still looking for her? Don’t they have a name and address from when she booked the flight?

It couldn’t print “B” for Black?  Please.

I know it’s not a word we use often State side, but what a cunt. 

I hope she enjoys the no fly list.

Save the manual shifters!

I’m a cyclist and I refuse to be forced into using electronic shifting. I have the latest Campagnolo Record 12 speed disc brake/mechanical shifting gruppo on my 2024 Pinarello. The shifting works great and it’s got no batteries that have to be charged and that will be impossible to find replacements for in a couple of

A Landy! I mean they’ve been made in so many flavors and configurations and are damn near unkillable while being mechanical mountain goats.

This being a car from the rust belt, and over 150k miles, a thorough inspection is necessary before committing to buy.

Those two idiots deserve each other. Maybe they can share a cell.

Bwahaha!  Couldn’t happen to two more deserving guys.

Regardless of which black man (they all look alike to Trump) was on that helicopter with trump, it wasn’t a near death experience and it didn’t crash. That shit’s all in Trump’s head.

UAW to help save the USA.

I’ll say it again. The day I don’t have to hear this knuckle dragging idiot speaking I’ll do a dance. A jib perhaps. Same goes for Trump. Uggh. I can’t stand these to idiots.

My assumption is Elon is facing significant legal issues and he's buttering up Trump to call off the dogs/pardon his ass. My other thought, though less likely, is Elon hopes Trump will have Uncle Sam buy fleets of made in the USA Teslas.