
Don’t forget that news media relentlessly hammered one candidate for their age, while barely mentioning the age of the other candidate, and now that the first candidate has dropped out, all talk of anyone being too old has completely vanished, even as the remaining oldster can barely speak a coherent sentence.

I had to check it’s not April the first...

I wouldn’t take a Cybertruck if they gave it to me free. I might take it if they paid me to take it.

I will not be surprised when Musk starts suing people that canceled their orders because it violates his free speech rights to support an orange asshole.

That was my 1st thought too....Are they going to have the hood somehow sealed/locked so it cant be opened unless you fork over the $?

I don’t understand how negative space is an option. What’s there if you don’t order the frunk? Are you paying Dodge extra to just not install a plastic block-off panel?

You’re asking what a guy who’s been a UAW member for nearly 30 years knows about the auto industry? Seriously? He didn’t step off a bus and immediately get elected UAW president. 

Musk is a racist piece of shit con-man and nobody should ever listen to anything he says. He should’ve been thrown in jail for stock manipulation a long time ago.

DJT will sell out the UAW in a heartbeat for a buck, then blame “The Dems” for sending manufacturing jobs overseas.

Musk lying about something to pump TSLA? Say it ain’t so!

Sheesh! And not even charging at the time. What the actual fuck?

Mostly sofas/love seats with lubed glove between the cushions

Oh man, that is seriously one of my dream vehicles, and as far as I’m concerned, one of the best looking vehicles ever made -Citroens, Mercedes and Porsches be damned.

Just when you believed Trump was one of the dumbest humans in existence he introduces the world to JD....

This election is wild. On one side you have two completely rational, intelligent human beings who seem to genuinely want to steer the country on the right path. On the other side you have two bloviating lunatics who cozy up to dictators, want women’s value to be determined by the amount of children they have, and have

Smart move. Perfectly normal and relatable person versus the couch fucking VP for the other side.

There’s no such thing as a cheap corvette.

Funny, I just bailed out on my 2019 Volvo plug-in hybrid at 65,000 miles because depreciation and repair paranoia were starting to creep in. I hope you do well with this one!

$10k is what the battery pack alone is worth.

Louisiana has some pretty awful roads. Massachusetts is a given on bad roads.