
My general thought process goes like…

Absolutely a lovely engine. When, and if, it runs.

Wait. W8. Nope. ND.

Not a chance. After reading 2 decades of horror stories about this and the W12 in the Phaeton along with watching my mother’s Cabriolet disassemble itself slowly into component pieces there is no possibility that would ever buy a VW of this vintage. 

We had a 1.8T of this same year. Around 2012, the interior was a beginning to disintegrate and the oil cooler went bad and held my wife hostage on the side of the highway. With all the weird issues we had with our 1.8T, I cannot imagine what its like maintaining that obscure W8 with double the age on it.

check this instead for fire coverage and etc.

Jones was arrested and booked into Sonoma County jail around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on suspicion of two felonies: unlawfully and recklessly starting a fire to a structure, forest land, or property and violating the terms of his probation.

It is one of the smaller fires at least?

His meth might be.

Is he from Florida?

Super easy NP if it all checks out. These things are actually quite pleasant to drive as long as you’re leaving your Jim Clark tendencies back in the garage. I’d love to have something like this for both the comfort AND the irony. 

Assuming the seller is telling the truth, this is a NP all day, every day, and twice on Sunday!

Neat, but could he repeat it? I’d then call that god-level skill. Until then - undetermined mix of skill and luck.

Is this really worthy of a contest, let alone media coverage?

There’s no way that discussion doesn’t get ugly as all get out.

Everything about Trump is one giant grift, so Trumpers grifting Trumpers is just a natural part of the life cycle.

Good. Fuck em.

Who are bigger dirt bags? Mercenary tow truck drivers or MAGA idiots?

Could be worse. Other than the three-pointed star on it, the key for my 2014 Mercedes is the very same key used on 11 billion cheap-shit Chrysler products, for obvious reasons. Except of course, if you need to replace it the Mercedes key costs AT LEAST twice as much.

Don’t change what works.