
I wonder if the insurance company would have accepted the claim without video proof. Imagine the conversation with the adjuster:

A tornado in Florida lifted a pickup truck sitting on a used car lot and threw it into the path of oncoming traffic

There are cheap Chinese toys with better quality control.

And worst of all, it’s probably in Texas.

I raise you West Texas.

anything off I-35 in Kansas. Either there’s a bunch of sketchy people wandering around or semis sitting with their engine still running. Not even a decent rest stop that didn’t like hot garbage. I swear we even tried to stop at a 24/7 camp ground and it was just... Awful and dirty. The only saving grace about Kansas

Anytime I see a manual transmission where one isn’t usually found (crossover SUV) it’s automatically a slam dunk, high mileage be damned.  Nice Price all day. 

This is a fun novelty for $3k, and I’m sure if you showed up with $2k the guy would probably take it. Possibly the easiest NP of 2024

New Hampshire? Car’s been up for sale for a couple of weeks, even though it’s offered at a pittance and promises to run perfectly?

Look, Corvettes are without question boomertastic.
However this screams ghetto, not boomer.

Not all heros wear capes!

Ok Florida. You can stick around a bit longer.

Are you fun at parties?

At least it was as a Tesla lot, and not random people’s driveways 🤷‍♂️ Kind of makes the vandalism not so bad since someone hadn’t taken ownership yet 😂

In what universe would you jam the brake and accelerator and not expect 1000HP to overwhelm the brakes? Ever done a burnout? 99.999999% chance this is user error. 

“We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed...”

I want to be fully sending it at 75 years old too. My full respects to John Force

That is a truly magic combination of sketchiness - Floridians and Eastern Europeans

That is one tough old son of a gun !!!

Not only does it look worse, and be difficult to see (and blinding) for other motorists, but pedestrians will have a harder time seeing this soon-to-be killer vehicle.