
And when the battery needs replacement Tesla only sells rebuilt batteries.

Being Space Karen Elon has raised the bar for ass-hole-ry to such a level it’s so much easier to throw shade on Tesla than all the others.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” P. T. Barnum

California used to have a penalty tax for bringing an out of state car in. Someone must have sued as I had mine return on an 85 Jetta Diesel years ago. 

Trump stopped a law from taking effect that possibly would have prevented this from happening. Republicans can’t stand stricter safety regulations because that means less profit.

All Japanese cars because the Japanese kill whales. 

Miami has become the most unaffordable housing market in the country. Full stop. It’s currently more unaffordable than New York or San Francisco.

So for the segment of riders who claim loud motorcycle pipes save lives, will they need a huge audio system and soundtrack to keep themselves safe.   /s

As a life long cyclist of over 25 years I’ve stopped riding a bicycle completely because of the hatred towards bicyclist’s. If you can’t beat them, join them in my 4-wheeler.  

Driving a manual with synchronizer’s is purely child’s play. A true manual in a class 8 truck made by Roadranger a 13-speed is a non-synchronized gearbox offers a whole new challenge where you must double clutch. For a driver with more talent you can float the gears by matching road speed with the appropriate gear and

Surprise, nothing having to deal with a Porsche is cheap, who knew!

Citroën has always taken a different route. They’ve built some of my favorite’s the 2CV, Méhari, ID 19, and the SM. I’ve lost first hand experience since 1972.

Car designers make cars without consideration for a front license plate, hence the car pictured with a California rear plate is illegal without a front plate.

It’s as simple as “when the cat’s away the mice will play.” Let the fun begin. Talk about a free-for-all.

Where do you put the rack for the $10K electric mountain bike you wish to show everyone?

“There’s a sucker born every minute” P. T. Barnum

In 1970 I worked for a French man where we repaired Citroen, Renault and Peugeot cars. He called Mercedes-Benz a glorified Chevrolet with a swastika on the hood.

If it had landed roof down, the car would be flattened like a pancake.

This driver should move to South Florida where he can join the drivers who drive into store fronts.

There should have been a pilot car which would have helped the half-witted truck driver avoid this stupid mistake. The pilot car is the truck driver’s guide for safe transit.