
That’s where you’re wrong, my friend: The people at the top make GODDAMN FUCKING BOATLOADS OF CASH at the expense of everyone else.

Here is a comprehensive list:


What in the fuck does having or not having a tattoo have to do with being evil or an asshole? Please explain?

Now that the Croats and Russians are out of the Euros, aren't the stadiums relatively safe now?

This is so perfectly what I wanted to add to the conversation. I came of age in the late 90s, in that period of backlash against the first wave of “political correctness”, and since teenagers just go along with whatever popular culture tells them to, the term PC always had a negative connotation to me. I was totally

I think from reading the attached essay that he’s keeping in mind—as you should—that everything about his career is temporary and there are more important things in life. But that play will stay with him, of course. He’s a lot less of an asshole about it than you are but then again, it’s hard to imagine someone being

I was guilty of using the same language, making the same stupid jokes, and never giving one thought to what my targets might be going through. It took years of getting out, reading, and experiencing the larger world around me before I began to develop a greater sense of empathy and mental discipline when it came to

but I’m not going to jump down someone’s throat for using words like that in casual conversation.

Oh, I forgot: something something public lynching something trial by association of guilt or whatever QED bitches and lying and such. Lessee: golddiggers shaming male sexuality what was she in a hotel for anyway payday May Day Manic Monday etc et al also Assange or whatever. Fin.

You jest, but point in fact, the loss occurred when they were down three players because of the detentions. I can hear on the horizon the bellowing whinges of a thousand affronted Anglophone dudes who’ve never watched men’s volleyball in their life but are now uberfans bewailing the Politically Correct Police State cum

Yup! I mean I care about my sports teams winning to a stupid degree like most sports fans do but damn people. They’re not gods and should not be treated as some godly figure. Sports are great but in the end, they’re really not that big of a deal, if you think rationally. Certainly don’t deserve to be valued as godly

Do you also love kicking puppies?

We can now welcome a new sport to the running list of professional athletic pursuits troubled by allegations of sexual violence. Hello, volleyball. You are an...unexpected addition.

Male athlete entitlement is universal.

Well, I’m not going to fight 2 billion soccer fans about whether it’s a sport or not. You do it, I’ll wait here.

Counterpoint: PKs is fine.

Trump. Tebow. Komen.

This is the same series that held a San Marino Grand Prix in Italy, a Luxembourg Grand Prix in Germany, and a Swiss Grand Prix in France.

They’re drivers, not cartographers.

I’m sure it’s lovely! But it’s a bit of a human and political disaster, and there’s always been a cloud of corruption hanging over both Bernie and the Azeri government. So for him to go to Baku and be all “oh, this is great, so much better than North America,” it seems like he just doesn’t admire the lack of Canadian