
Eh, not really, because you have to consider the 99% of people who will never make it to the Olympics but are still stuck with the damage PED’s caused their bodies. That’s why I’m not a fan of the whole “INJECT EVERYTHING INTO EVERYONE APPROACH”, because it incentivezes high school kids who won’t ever have a shot at

The fuck would I be doing in New Jersey?

except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.

It’s a way to wage war by proxy, and while it’s an absolute shitshow, corrupt beyond measure, and causes significant economic harm, it is far better than the alternative.

Ne pas homo, bro!

The all-caps are a nice touch from Iceland’s very own Drew Magarysson

“Marijuana?! Easier there Mr. Cheech Chong! No reason to go pulling a reffer from old Ms. Molly Jane just to manage pain. That’s what these here horse tranquilizers are for.”

You don’t coast to a win after extra time.

Fucking other people over on minute technicalities and acting like that makes you a genius? Thats exactly what I’d expect from a Bruce Arena team.

I’ve been wanting to attend a World Cup for years. Pre-2014 I had no money. Was going to do Brazil, but after they released the schedule I realized it would be a travel nightmare to catch 2 USMNT games. (It was.) So I bailed.

Those Russian comments are just bizarre. And this raises really alarming questions about their World Cup two years from now.

Working hard to secure contracts and obtain visas for Shell Oil?

So Ben Roethlisberger didn’t explicitly say no, and Donald Trump took that as a yes? Interesting…

“It’s okay that she said racist things, because they always say racist things.” Probably the worst take ever on Deadspin. And that’s saying something.

So its ok for Trump to say what he says becuase he’s just catering to his audience right???? Cmon bro, you serious?

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Can’t wait to not be able to take public transit and brave the busiest interchange in the south and not find parking to overpay to see one of the most dismal teams in MLB history while sitting next to a bunch of old money assholes with funny sounding voices. But at least I won’t have to see black people out the window

black people preferring the company of other black people is not racist.