Geoff Worling

Ah okay. Well my thought process is that there were several movies much more deserving of a Best Picture nod that were, in my opinion, perfectly or near-perfectly executed in regards to both storytelling and technique.

Those would be, off the top of my head: First Man, First Reformed and Into the Spider-verse (if

It was wrong of me to presume to know exactly what led to it being picked but it would stand to reason that the Academy would try to sway the opposite direction (from obvious oscar-bait toward the more mainstream blockbusters) in order to try to garner a more widespread,younger audience.

But you’re right I have no way

I mean of course thats entirely possible. All I can do is just say why I don’t feel the nominations accurately reflect the best of those categories, in my opinion (which is worth ultimately nothing to anyone but me).

Additionally! First Reformed was MASSIVELY snubbed and Bohemian Rhapsody is getting heaps of praise that I feel is a bit undeserved.

Vice was good but not Best Pic material with its meandering tone. Black Panther was decently solid if not a bit too predictable and ham-stringed by an incredibly weak, and bloated with awful CGI, third act.

First Man not getting virtually ANY noms is a pretty big snub. It should have AT LEAST gotten the Cinematography

I’m sorry but I have to VASTLY disagree with you here. Dany’s arc, throughout the entire series, has been filled with moments of people bowing and bending to her without much friction (relatively speaking). Yes she has setbacks but they are resolved in an episode or two whereas Jon has suffered for his cause over the

so its Liam Neeson then

Looks like an r/IamVeryBadass , r/mallninja, and r/libertarian wet fever-dream

I’d be inclined to agree with you IF they hadnt already lost the training wheels that were the books a couple seasons ago. Last season was so by the numbers it was ridiculous. Entirely predictable and too fan-service-y to be engaging or very enjoyable for me.

I am not holding out hope to be too surprised by anything

Counterpoint: Annihilation had a confusing mess of a plot (and no not the parts that were confusing by design) and some pretty awful dialogue and acting in certain places.

I think they gave subtle hints that would be more noticeable on a second viewing. One of them being how adept he was at climbing over that wall. The other being that really decked out, and huge, loft apartment. He was in some shady shit that paid really well so I guess it makes sense for it to be Kingpin. I don’t

No no, He is under house arrest. Who is on first

This looks like awful SWTOR cosplay

Does it need to be more?

He actively drove it for 14 years! Talk about a beast of burden...

I took the time to log-in to star this.

This is a satirical response right? (...right?)


I was severely disappointed by the lack of Daisy Ridley in this post..

“he flew in a camera from Los Angeles...”