
“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is

She quickly cut back that I shouldn’t respond to hate w/ hate

Case in point: I’m in the office break room decompressing while CNN drones on in the background. A co-worker comes in and we talk a bit about the hurricane and whatnot - we both have family in the Houston area. CNN cuts to Trump telling the Gov. of TX something to the effect of “After this is all said and done, we

You’re missing the more important lesson here, which is that proper elbow cleaning is a key element of early skin cancer detection and treatment

What’s the statute of limitations for how long it can take someone to notice something before they can react authentically? Because I want to know how long I have to slowly steal money from you without you noticing before you’ll no longer be allowed to get pissed about it

For obvious reasons this has got to be the most fallacious and stupid argument I’ve ever heard. Because he didn’t know about it before, finding about it now means that he can’t disapprove of it? I mean, if my wife had been cheating on me for the past two years am I not allowed to be outraged if I just found out about

I feel like you read a different article. His is overarching tone is “holy crap, look at this ridiculous shit I just found,” not “I am outraged and must be appeased by blood and destruction!”

I don’t know when this freckle on my elbow became kind of flaky and weird, but now that I do know, I probably should get it looked at. Just because I didn’t notice it earlier doesn’t mean it still isn’t a problem to be dealt with.