

Before today I wouldn’t have thought I’d agree with someone named Boobies696969, but yes here we are! Cheers!

“Every marriage is different, and maybe Melania really is indifferent about her mushroom dicked husband having sex with other women. But that’s one thing; having the dirty laundry aired out for all to see is another.”

Fair enough. 

I don’t know why you think he is greasy or an ambulance chaser? I’ve seen nothing to indicate his past representation of clients was unethical. Maybe you have different info you could point me to? I like him because he took on a client that several attorneys passed on just based on her line of work (I just finished

The outrageous charges line also rankled me.

Not to split hairs grammatically but “chip in” makes me think of splitting something. Like ‘wanna chip in for lunch?’ or Whatever. Not that you don’t have a right to be annoyed or find it shitty that that’s what he is doing. :) I also personally like Avenatti so that may be clouding my opinion.

I’ve been waiting for you to write about this! 

I think the only way this can end in any kind of resolution to my liking is if we get to watch him get eaten by wolves like maybe on TV somehow? But like gladiator style, with him and a pack of wolves. That is my dream :) 

“never forget that 53 percent of white women voted against their self-interest to vote for Trump.”

*chef’s finger kiss*

Oh thank you! I liked the threat of taking away my internet and my electricity if I don’t bow down and be a happy white woman that loves all white men and never thinks that white women are fucking shit up just because I guess I am one or something?

Because my son didn’t rape me he obviously didn’t rape you either! 


Excellent point. 


White women are gonna fuck this up; watch. 

Normally I find your writing memorable for how funny it is, but this line is too beautiful to not mention

Except, possums at least own their raggedy-ness. I feel like Kavanaugh sees some fancy golden retriever when he looks in the mirror and its like bitch you are a possum! 

This deserves way more likes. I like this so, so, so, much.