
I am, and will always be, a huge fan of Tron: Legacy. Loved the effects, the look, and the incredible score. :D

Just a few bad apples.

If Ladd does not at all appear to be in any condition to drive a car

Monday Morning is terrible for flying out. Every IT consultant in the city is flying out Monday Morning. Nothing will save you. Not Clear. Not Pre-Check, Not Jesus.

Whats terrifying is having a 30 minute layover and having to rely on the Plane Train to get you across the airport in time to make your flight.

I read that and smiled lol what’s your issue with dealio bro?

I’m totally coolio with that.

The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful.  You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.

He is in the same capsule when you save Aerith from the Shinra building. He is definitely there before you even leave Midgar.

Oh no, I made a typo. I’ll go commit Sudoku. ;)

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

You sound fun

No, it’s the period correct coffee cups for that scene. The cinematographer says so because he shot it.

Because the OP is younger than 30.

I’m not the only one who points this out, but it’s worth mentioning again. I think the final 30 minutes of the movie was basically a stream of post-credit scenes.

“it wasn’t meant to be watched on the service we deliver it on...”

As someone who has been a cinematographer for more than a decade, shooting on a range of formats including the cams used for this show, I’d argue it’s a little from column A, a little from column B. It is true that most people don’t have their television sets properly calibrated, but then again, they aren’t really

Foster care? Well of course they are out of control.

*Starts screaming and never stops*