
Lemme be real with you. This is self-censorship at worst, respectful edits at most likely. No one is censoring the work, David Productions are making the choice to change their product by their own volition out of respect of their colleagues in the industry. It’s not an overarching PC police, it’s solidarity with the

Just a few bad apples in the bad apple barrel

Given both parties rather public statements, I assume what the truth is Fakku really did try to save the site for their own launch into streaming more video content by actually negotiating with Japanese publishers and distributors.

[Plays the world’s smallest cum-stained violin]

Hey dude, what’s your dealio? 

And this, kids, is why you shouldn’t supplement sleep and hygiene with monster energy drinks.

If you want your sports anime like haikyuu, Mix is probably not for you. If you like dramas connected around sports and the art appeals to you, then yeah give it a shot.

Congrats, this article just got their testing team a pizza party : )

Wow, I remember that now, you’re totally right. It truly has been eons since I’ve played this game. 🤦 

The biggest reason I’m stoked is Red XIII, hands down. It’s just unfortunate I may have to wait longer since... ya know... he don’t show up till after leaving Midgard. : (

So they think a release date a month and a half after a billion dollar grossing superhero movie would have done their movie better?  Wait... isn’t that what they got tho?

Truck Chaser is pretty dang good, but Creamweaver by 3 Taverns is a bit better in my honest GA opinion.

Also, trademarking -icle is probably the most dastardly, vaudevillian, capitalist thing I’ve heard this week. So congrats Unilever?

ONE FC is not a minor league promotion.

Agreed. It’s not necessary after all the leadup to how things are (maybe) going to proceed from here on out.

To be fair, that’s Feige saying that FFH is the last of phase 3, not the Russos.

Aw, no love for Eitri from Infinity War?

I can’t believe that the memes got it right... Ant-man IS an Ass-man

They are cowards and I hope the movie tanks because they went with super-safe Ryan Reynolds.

Honestly? If MoviePass comes back at $50 a month for unlimited, I’ll rejoin. That’s still one hell of a deal for someone like me who catches about 8-10 movies a month.

I only cancelled when they dropped E-ticketing in my city and forced me to watch from their daily curated list of films that had like a 15% chance of