
I also bought a 360 on launch day. It took 3 years, but it finally RROD. Sent it in and MS accidentally sent me 2 360s back. Both have been working without fail since the fix. On another note, I have a PS3 from launch day that still works perfectly.

Will be getting one of these. Just not sure when.

My username is "GunFishin" for both Xbox Live and PSN. I love fishing and the the phrase, "Gone Fishin". I used "Gun" instead of "Gone" because down here in the South it's pronounced "Gun".

Don't know about you, but I remember it taking me a long longer to walk through some of the starting towns in LOTRO than it did in the major cities in WoW.

I purchased one of these and it has worked out perfectly.

I also enjoy to look at a clean homescreen.

Not a big fan of religion either. People always try to tell me what religious organizations do for people (which is nice), but I always ask them why can't those same people just get together and do what's right without all of the other stuff that goes along with it. There are thousands of organizations that meet every

Yep, the subscribe & save + amazon mom + prime combo saves me a lot of dough on diapers, wipes, etc for the little one. Highly recommended for parents.

2:57 - Awesome control

They just don't make em like they used to?

I know right? I remember the days with the Olympians would compete naked. Let's bring back the good old days!

Global One X and ATT One X are different beasts. Global gets the Tegra and ATT gets the S4.

Still don't feel like my Inspire 4G is outdated. I know it's only been a year and half or so since release, but there just doesn't seem to be any groundbreaking features that interest me in any of these phone.

Yes, this.

Just ordered the fishing tackle. Niiice.

Time to thettle the thcore.

Pretty much this.

Was driving to work one morning and I barely evaded an open manhole. Not sure how my little car would have taken to the impact, but after seeing this I am very happy that I had that cup of coffee before leaving the house.

Just wanted to leave this here due to relevance. Using a ROM that utilizes Cornerstone on my Touchpad right now.