
Oh yeah, well I have a TouchPad and I mount women in my bathroom and kitchen and car. So beat that.

You just got a thumb. Enjoy it.

I enjoyed this comment.

I wonder if he'll have a hard to suing Apple if he's employed and signed some type of agreement.

Semiconductor companies I'm working with here in the US are not looking for highly experienced engineers. They're looking for cheap, fresh out of internship green horns that they can pay a minimal amount of money, train them the way they want to, and tell them what to do.

Well said.

Same here. It's like watching a dramatic reality show. Completely pointless, but funny none the less.

No longer will I be first in line for any console. I'm waiting for the slim, lite, elite, etc. version from now on. So that 2013 release would be more like a 2014 or 2015 buy for me.

It's worse. They're clubbing their customers.

Made me chuckle.

Haven't had any issues with Google Music on the technical side. Only problem I have with the service is that it doesn't have all of the music I'm looking to buy.

Love Steam. Love Valve.

excellent comment +1

Check out the XRON version of CM7 Alpha 3 as well. I think they're now on Beta 1.2 and it improves on the Alpha 3 in a lot of ways. The primary fix for me seems to be the WiFi issues.

I wouldn't have paid a cent over $4.2mil.

I'm sure we'll have some interested UI interfaces to look forward to once the theme makers get their hands on this thing.

So will we begin to see more and more "stars" in our games? Not a fan.

Then don't Rambo-in to places. I've been playing for a few hours now and I've found that actually taking your time and scoping an area out is how you win.

Will finally purchase Portal 2. Thanks Steam!

I would like to, instead of tapping the home button twice, say "Computer" before each inquiry.