
Couldn't handle the lack of three gees myself.

Yep, spending anything over a grand on a PC right now is complete overkill.

People are buying BF3 on consoles?

I was actually looking at purchasing some different WiiU type domain names but then I saw something shiny and now I'm here on Kotaku.

I think having kids changed the way I game. That is, I don't have even a quarter the amount of time to do it.

<3 Technology


@Robusto68: This would also build a more competitive atmosphere for viewership which would in turn produce more high quality content.

So have the manufacturers that are interested setup an agreement and in return they receive a badge that lets consumers know that the device will receive the latest version the device is capable of within a certain time frame.

So soon. I feel like I need more time with 7.

I could easily search Google to find out, but what was Google's related offering with Google Music?

I actually liked this article. Thanks.

@thehouserules: Agreed. Will continue to use it until that promo ends.

Gonna have to let all this tablet dust clear before droppin my Benjamins down. How people can blindly pre-order a device, even if its predecessors have been proven 3 times over, is beyond me.

@ninjagin: I see an HTC Flyer in your future.

Let the games... begin! Or the flames that is.

Wait for the HTC gods I shall.

That's good to hear. Still need to figure out if I'll get this or the PSP2.

I went with the Inspire 4G on ATT. The Atrix isn't quite ready for what it's trying to do. However, I do like where we're going with this.