
I would totally take some home with me.

Where do I sign?

I've always like the look of the cracked iPhone4 case.

I don't see myself buying anything Android other than some type of Nexus Two.

I remember the mention of DVR to the cloud. This feature isn't listed anywhere on the Google TV site.

@GoodBytes: I appreciate the detail on your comment, but something doesn't add up.

@GoodBytes: Quoted from the same article:

@GoodBytes: Also, someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the 8000 series was never offered for the inspiron 9400/e1705 line. The only NVIDIA cards available and/or compatible for that line are the 7800/7900 cards.

@GoodBytes: That blows. Do you have a link that confirms that it's the 8000 series only?

Looks like my Dell e1705 sporting a dead NVIDIA 7800 GO card is covered under this.

Why not use a little e-ink screen instead?

I pretty much stick with the default camera app on my N1 and use Vignette for all of my post-processing needs.

@Bigbadbikernerd: I don't usually drink beer, but when I do, I drink Zima.

Webkit based browser.

Feels good to be a Nexus One owner. I have yet to see another in the wild.

So when will I get my account so I can start my ultimate digital game collection of Nintendo classics?

I need a snail mail spam filter because I get way more spam in my snailbox than my inbox.

Now to wait for the 3DSi Lite XL to come about 1 year later.