
@Denver: Hearted; the original article is just so off base it's not even funny.

@Tetsuooooooo: Salesforce and Citrix are both available for Blackberry as well.

@parcaelum: Note that range is highly dependant on the bandwidth used by your devices. The range advertised by most brands are for highly compressed voice. Streaming high bitrate music to a stereo headset will have a much, much shorter range

@madjack1987: Even with it being easier to provide for a small island, this is no justification for the US, as we get better reception up here in Canada, an even larger, less densely populated, country.

No mention of the obvious benefit of not covering the internal antenna with your hands (or shorting it by touching a specific spot, as is prone to happen on a certain phone)?

@G_Money21: They have the best QWERTY keyboards around, only matched by Nokia E-Series, good antenna design, good sound quality as a phone, superlative battery life and durability.

@geolemon: They're in a tough spot in North America and Western Europe, but they are getting a lot of growth in other markets (India, Latin America, Africa).

@lantic: Nah, at this point I think it's just become a meme. While I agree it hasn't been best in class, there's a lot less wrong with its UI than is made out to be (the main problem with Nokia smartphones being something that most of the haters have no clue about: namely not enough RAM and flash memory).

@lantic: And it's a shame. I see myself reading Engadget a lot more these days. At least, they don't ignore the #1 selling smartphone platform on the planet.

Since S60 3.2, Symbian does wireless sync as well.

@Weihovah: Were you going for irony?

@tande04: No, but my Symbian phone does, and it does have a wi-fi sync feature, and it's not limited to media.

Looks sexy, for a Blackberry. I'll have to give it a looksie once it comes out.

@Jonathan Butler: Blackberry OS (and Symbian) typically have lower requirements on the hardware than iOS or Android. Plus, with the new graphical libraries and GPU, this is likely more than powerful enough.

@Boomdiggity!: No. It means that it's getting wireless music synching, as the Zune does it.

Yes, I would MOST CERTAINLY pay to play something like this.

@Jnas: Not the full story mode, but you get a rather good recap, plus all the "Teach Me, Boobie Lady" episodes from Calamity Trigger.

@emag: And then came the September that never ended...

@Diode: Trick question. The answer is: it hasn't.