
To me it’s a little more complicated than that. Megyn’s question (and even the way she slipped it into the interview) would’ve been right on the pulse of Jane Fonda’s promotional agenda in 2005 or 2010. At one time she loved talking about plastic surgery and her complicated feelings about it!

What a disgusting human being. She got off easy.

I just want to know, how many people did she get killed or past the point of treatable?

Find that out, and then charge her for murder or at the very least manslaughter.

Find one cancer patient using her app that died and charge her with negligent homicide. Taking people’s money is one thing, and a bad thing, but selling people a fake cure, leading them away from established science, telling them you can cure their cancer by cutting out gluten, that’s just a hands off form of murder.

For every Belle Gibson that is put out of business, 10 more pop-up.

You obviously haven’t been bitten by the car collecting bug. If I had this gentleman’s acreage I probably would have twice the amount of cars he has.

The fallacy of false equivalence. The social externalities of a non-running car on your property aren’t anywhere remotely close to those of uranium mining, methmaking, or murder.

Don’t apologize. Whether he’s a “collector” or a “hoarder” really doesn’t matter.

It wouldn’t have happened because Ajit Pai wouldn’t be the asshat in charge of the FCC.

1.) West Virginia is being affected too.

In that case they shouldn’t market it as an unlimited plan.

Definitely shines a bright light on damaging the FCC plan is to reduce requirements to lay down cable lines to poorer communities and restrict them to mobile plans.

I get it, but not everyone is a conservative in these areas. Some people try to move back closer to home (in my case Montana) due to aging parents and lack of job opportunity in city. (Yes, ironic, but I don’t want a 2 hour commute to work along with no chance to save.).

Most states are rather purple. Now, having

I enjoy this. Yet again shows how mindblowingly stupid conservatives are. Rural residents deserve this shit now. They deserve to have all their services cut due to profits. Maybe then they will realize that voting R means voting against their interests.

I worked in foodservice for nearly a decade...I always appreciated it when customers picked up dropped food, put the salt and pepper shakers back, wiped the table down with their napkins, etc. Some people are just animals; when I was working at Wendy’s when got a couple of buses late in the evening. It was nearly two

Here’s the deal: I never carry cash. I also stay in hotel rooms 50+ nights a year (mostly for work). It’s a nice thought that I’m going to load up on singles to tip the housekeeping but I never do. I feel minorly bad about it, mostly since my company would reimburse me so I should be doing it anways.

I tip housekeeping every night I stay at a hotel (albeit not very often). $5 minimum.

I always tell them I don’t need housekeeping when I don’t need it, but I tip them anyway. It’s a crappy, low-paid job. I don’t think they necessarily get paid more in better hotels, either. And, on the same subject, if you knew how little time the management gives the cleaners for each room, often like 15 minutes,

I always decline any service when I stay at a hotel because I’m usually locked in my room working and don’t want to be disturbed. I’m also very neat and take out my own trash. So my rule of thumb is to leave about $1 per night, which fits with the category of establishment I normally stay at. Like you, if stay

Mmk so once I was flying southwest so it was the choose your seating which gives me anxiety because duh I have an anxiety disorder. basically once you have a seat you’re safe, in my mind. I choose the perfect seat and a girl with a carrier sits next to me but says nothing. a minute later I start to feel a little