Considering what they are working with, the Russian Trolls are spinning a wheel and taking shots of Vodka to decide what they post.
Considering what they are working with, the Russian Trolls are spinning a wheel and taking shots of Vodka to decide what they post.
Problem is, they only feel that way when Democrats and people who are poor or of color get abortions. If rich white people get an abortion then they will turn a blind eye to it.
Depending on your mood, that’s the start of a fun evening, ;-)
<handshake> Respect, sir, respect.
And the funny part is: They love to accuse everyone else of being ‘snowflakes’ when they are the prissiest, whiniest, most annoying group of self-entitled jerks out there. Look at all the videos on Trump supporters treating others like crap, while proudly stating “I voted for Trump, you need to get out of the country!”
They wouldn’t. These ‘special snowflakes’ see one talking point or whatever Fox wants them to believe and go off half cocked over it.
Yes, pun intended..
Or Key lime pie.
Probably because real Jambalaya would be too spicy for Trump’s bland fast food palate.
Get a massive pizza for 10 bucks? Hell, that was dinner for a week when I was unemployed.
Symmetra going ‘W+M1' and her photon barrier can kill everything but a very agile, or very buff character when solo.
Her aim lock requires you to keep the target closer to the aim point, and doesn’t have the damage ramp up that Symmetra has. Moira’s real strength is that red orb of death.
Sniper vs Widowmaker
Heavy and Zarya = knocking boots later.
Considering he isn’t married, he just has a concubine to distract from his sick daughter fetish.
To be fair, the fact that Symmetra can lock on and track a target 30 degrees outside of their aimpoint makes them frustrating as hell to lose. I’ve even had a few times I was certain the beam did a full 180 around her to track me.
Look at the body language she shows when near Trump. She’s not just unhappy; she loathes his orange ass.
Seems shady as hell? Just seems? Anything involving Trump IS shady as hell.
That’s what really sunk the Titanic. Not an iceberg, but SPARTAN IV’s playing Capture the Flag.
I know Trump is stupid, but any judge is going to see this request of his and laugh themselves to tears.
Nah, the Assassin doesn’t give me the feeling of dread that the Witch gives me.