Groucho was right

Would something like, I don’t know, getting arrested for sexual assault suffice?

Also, she didn’t have to prove anything.  HE had to prove that she was lying.  The fact a juror in the case didn’t understand this is maddening.

Nice of the jury to get in on the victim blaming.

“What I think is truthful is that they were both abusive to each other,” he says. “I don’t think that makes either of them right or wrong… but to rise to the level of what she was claiming, there wasn’t enough or any evidence that really supported what she was saying.”

That and all the people whining about how Reva couldn’t possibly know Vader was Anakin when the obvious answer was all but spelled out in the first scene of the first episode...

I’ll go on record to say this has been a delightful season, and I anxiously await Pt. II for some closure.

I’ve read the novel of Jaws many times. It was quite an eye-opener for ten-year-old me. I was like “WOW, is that what grownups really do???”

I think I would run with if I was a celebrity. Post insta pics of myself with dummy babies with fake blood smeared all over my mouth. #fountainofyouth #delicious #nwo

It could make a facinating double bill with another eventual remake, “Peter Benchley’s Jaws”, which, if you've read the book, is just Jaws, but awful.

You know how there’s like, good music, and bad music? She makes the good stuff.

She’s written consistently haunting and beautiful music for nearly fifty years. Stunning voice, talented musician, composer, and dancer.

“Art is fire plus algebra.” That’s a quote credited to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Basically the idea is that in really great art—and, by extension, storytelling—there is an almost mathematical precision to decision-making. Yes, much of artistic expression is about feeling and emotion. But plugging that into a

I still stan for my idea of the Obi-wan show being a noir about him getting involved in the Tatooine criminal underbelly, and having almost nothing to do with Jedi or the Force. One of the core conceits is that Obi-wan has basically cut himself off from the Force so that Vader can’t find him on Tatooine, which means

After three episodes, my opinion so far is the plotting decisions of this series are pretty terrible. Centering a show around Leia being kidnapped and Obi-Wan having to confront Vader while rescuing her is dumb because we know Leia is going to survive, we know Obi-Wan is going to survive, and we know Obi-Wan and

the internet still didn’t pile on Weinstein or Cosby the same way they piled on Heard though, it’s fucking vile. 


1. People are desperate to find a case to undo the gains of MeToo and will amplify any edge case they can.

Better than the second episode, but it’s still just so silly. The Stormtroopers are searching for a Jedi but their superiors never showed them a photo of said Jedi? How did they ever plan to find him? And Vader just lets Obi Wan get away because he somehow can’t figure out how to go around or through some flames on

What could possibly be interesting about a former Jedi youngling turned dark side, turned Jedi hunter who will kill her own adopted family to deliver Obi Wan to Vader? Meanwhile you’re talking about the character likes she’s Poochie. FFS
