
this is why journalists never accept the invite of the antagonist of the story until the 3rd or 4th act, when the plot demands a permanent and dramatic event.

oh. my. god.

I wonder how much of that is FUD on EA’s part to explain why they killed another thing that should have lived.

gross...i think i will have trouble with the Haribo gummi strawberries from now on.

who? school administrators? the camera looks to be well above eye level unless you’re a giant. probably down angled, and set at just above the top of those door frames. And why would they put it there? Probably to save money and to catch as many doors and that main corridor as possible with a single camera.

All I see is an invisible kid who momentarily forgot he changed lockers earlier.

Looks like she’s upgraded to the latest Human Resources inOperating System (HR-iOS) version 11.1, where she doesn’t work well for you, wasn’t ever intended truly to work FOR you, and if you’re lucky, doesn’t work against you if HR works AT ALL. Corporate thinkers have put minorities in these positions for years,

I guess i would prefer an actual Batman police brutality storyline, instead of a Joker\victim analogies. I mean, especially the freakin Joker...

we can only hope some kind of outbreak like that would be so localized and uniform in its expansion. in reality it would probably look more like one spreading hotspot that metastasizes and then you have have hotzones surrounding you.

so what is the exergy of a hurricane? I know that the wave and wind forces are there, but would we harvest the energy during the hurricane event? or would we be trying to tap energy to mitigate storm strength before it begins, in the water?

Nice Monument you have a shame if something crashed into it. Or damaged it in such a way that it was ruined.

shut it and suck it up, sparky.

I guess they figure if you’re the type to ding them over pretending to pee like a dog, they don’t give a flying fig what you think.

all that plus cooking skills. He probably thinks he’s one up on those helicopter parents.

and a terrible cook, plus desperately hungry. Making his 8 year old kid do all the cooking? No takeaways I guess.

no cup? wouldn’t catch me in a catcher’s mask without my cup...

only if its Carol or Julie from HR...just don’t let them see your computer screen ever. Don’t let Julie walk behind you on her return trip from the bathroom while you’re on the Root. Cause she is defo lookin...

lmfao@ “suitland bamas”, corey you so stupid lol

huh? what? hmm? you said wat. i’m not sure your math...

“the next time I am attacked” well anticipation is one thing. the psychic friends network is also a thing. So if I am to assume these attacks are actual physical threats and not ‘perceived aggression’, you might want to hold the people who actually hurt you responsible, and not the blog that threw the rock that made