
I read the article. And I want to care for the author. But it seems like the best thing I can offer is to offer nothing. Which is fine for a stranger, but awkward as hell for a friend or family member. It seems non-intuitive to tell someone the best thing you can for do someone is to not give a single toot.

Leah disappears for 30 days, and then says everything is “fine.” And that Shelly is “fine.” The fishline thin scars at the base of her scalp are almost completely invisible under her hair.

I love that line. Smartwatches are less like the future and more like the spectacularly terrible now. Love It.

It all breaks down to “not my problem, but I still got problems”. Racism and social pariah status isn’t usually something white people need to think about on a daily basis. Esp if they don’t have many POC in their lives. They still have to pay the bills and keep their kids in school and fed, so people logically

self appointed authority? sounds interesting when you put it that way...

So much this. All of the bingo.

Try to learn and understand the history of “ask a black guy.” and become woke to the existence of “ok...well...lets ask a different black guy...that last one didn’t go as expected.”

As a black, I wish race discussion was a two way street in America too. But almost nothing in America is a two way street when it comes to race, wish it or not. Accept that reality and maybe restart from there. frankly, it seems like the time to start dodging thrown beer bottles is back for me, and the benefits of

A Democracy...if you can keep it...if you can protect it, manage it, maintain it, do not fuck it up and let it get trampled by fools or hand it over to ‘famous’ “television” “personalities”. Holy shit, all my life Donald Trump has been considered skankier than an old, wet McDonalds Cheeseburger wrapper in a gutter,

I want to drink some so I can become one of the Pillar Men. I mean come on, 2 billion year old water has to come with the Power Cosmic or some kind of primordial dark energies. I want some.

wow THIS is a blast from the past. I remember when that keyboard was on some art\design webpage as a ‘one day 20XX’ type product. I didn’t know they actually were successful in making them.

did you read his comment? He doesn’t read, he looks at the pictures and the bold letters at the top and then he races to the bottom to give his impressions, lol

smarks and spectators have a different perspective. Inside the circle, you might say that BND is getting the heat they should have all along. Outside the circle this all does look mighty familiar in context, especially if you notice the McMahons being more visible in politics and social matters outside of the WWF.

that’s literally all that can be said.

at a certain point I stopped talking to you and started screaming at the crowd outside of the window.

mmm delicious oozing magotte...

but it looks so clean and refreshinggggg!!! Like a giant raindrop! I can only imagine it tastes....huh...imagine that. Like a giant raindrop .

I was about to ask what was wrong with ice cream logs, which have been around since I guess at least the 1930s. Then I realized there was a new kid in town and his name ‘was tricking you into paying 5 dollars for some fucked up ice cream, lol’. And how his parents thought to name him that, I’ll never know, but today

the problem is that PTSD has become a joke, triggers have become a joke, and most people dont give a damn about either, unless they can make a joke about it, and that’s the problem. Sufferers and survivors have enough shit to deal with, now they have to deal with you pop culture hipdumbasses who can’t pull their dicks

One thing I know about Nazis is that they love Caddies. Two tone, chrome wheels, V antenna on the roof, CB radio. Groovin. That’s Nazis.