
Nah, Princess Remedy is just about to upgrade to super-intelligent macaque power.

At first I was with you guys. Then I took a hit of zen and now I’m thinking like the driver...the blinkers were on and if the car finally down then it breaks down and we deal with it then. But oh what a feeling, these Toyotas are known for their reliability and I’m going to push that to its possibly illogical limits.

that’s the impression, I didn’t know it could be done, I don’t necessarily like that it can be done. So I am impressed, but its not the good kind of impressed. Its like Trump. No way in hell did I think or imagine a world where he would be a President. But he pulled it off. That’s undeniably impressive. The impression

Number 1, it wouldn’t work, number 2, its at the hands of a bad guy, and C, Peter doesn’t miss Ben as much as the comic hipsters make out. Dude’s been dead for like 50 years now, and Pete has moved the fuck on. Until he hasn’t and they decide to write him like he hasn’t made any kind of character development or

these things are what we hate about comic books, not what we love. its why people call comics hokey and books for kids. Bad comic design, bad enough to make your eyes roll? We’re supposed to believe Peter Parker is this wishy washy that he will team up with the villainous clone Ben. I don’t believe that will happen. I

Ah yes, chicken tender ramen. A traditional favorite.

I demand a pop-o-matic bubble or else I’m calling Butch Jones from the University of Tennessee.

some punitive actions so they’ll actually feel punished would be nice. No one is asking to put these companies out of business, just for some actual accountability for once. But asking for that gets blown into you being against the free market or something.

when it comes to the feds throwing the book or dropping the hammer, it pays to be a big company versus a singular citizen, they won’t even give you a slap on the wrist. More like a moist kiss on the wrist, and ask you for 3 dollar bills out of the wad of hundreds in your wallet.

some kind of electrical discharge is my guess. they can sound like knocks and tweets and more. wood knocking on metal sounds like it could be electrical.

Kojima was right.

they went for the easy out, the inverted pentagram. How do they explain the hidden kitty cat face?

safety programming:  speed up and aim for center mass.

hazard a guess.

hey if i really need cheese, I’m going to ask you to check the back. I know you have some back there.

I love using this one. You can sometimes see the science start to steam up and come out of their ears.

Florida Man’s international cousin from the old country, Perth Woman.

who do you think is more desperate, needy, and in touch with their own self interests? A DAPL protester, or a facebook activist?

Only reason I clicked, tbh

Only reason I clicked, tbh

Reading between lines, it seems like he thinks the battle is a lost cause at the moment via conventional legislative channels. The people at the top are too out of subject to have any idea how far behind the mainstream is in combatting cyber-intrusion and computer warfare, that we need some direct applications from