Grey Fox

It can’t be worse than what we’ve had the last few years. At the very least they are trying to address the issues we have been having and that’s more than I expected. Also, the cars look fucking amazing... Except the Camry. Especially from the side.

For $600 you could easily build your own and run MAME/Windows. Instead it’s $600 and then paying for all the games you probably already own somewhere else and then when the service goes under you’re SOL.

For $600 you could easily build your own and run MAME/Windows. Instead it’s $600 and then paying for all the games

120w charging? Sign me the fuck up.

Literally millions of them. Moron.

so $16 for a rock? Fuck off out of here with this trash.

so $16 for a rock? Fuck off out of here with this trash.

Or don’t if you want to jailbreak and are smart enough not to click on weird links. 

Actually Best Buy has pretty great anti-bot tech and also will cancel orders from the same CC and address. Which is about all they can do.

These adults pretending to be underage anime girls is also part of the problem. It’s creepy the whole way around. 

Ah yes, more underaged looking anime girls for creeps to sexualize. The perfect evolution of our social world.

You don’t need it now. The argument you’re trying to make is lazy and overused. We don’t need more than 16mb of RAM. Who could ever need more than a gigabyte of  storage? Why would I use an automobile when I have a horse? Etc etc...

Nintendo is a trash company and more people should start to realize that. 

You tested two games and each console won once. Then you say the PS5 is faster. Ok? 

No USB C on the iPhone is super annoying now that I have an iPad pro with USB C.

You’d think someone that works for a tech blog would know better. 


Would you idiots stop uploading your facial data into every god damn app that comes out?

Is it not possible to add the google apps yourself?

My GF and I tried to play SnipperClips. It was not a good idea. 

This was one of the few games that my sister and I could play without getting insanely angry at each other. Pretty excited to see if that stills holds true especially because we only play Mario Party now and that game tears people apart. 

Big shout out to the devloper of this game who was giving away some steam keys when it launched, I came into the Reddit thread about 4 hours too late and made a post saying I was upset I missed it and he DMed me not even 5 minutes later with a key.