
LALALALALALALALA!! I'm sorry I can't hear you there because of the booming noise of pulse rifles, exploding grenades, flame throwers and elephants in the background and I've tried to read your lips but it's hard to see past all the shit falling out of your quivering mouth.

I can handle the alt-right, Breitbart loving trolls who come here just to stir up shit but you sir are an utter monster and I hope you die of herpes.

I actually kept a tally when I was playing the Lara Croft reboot (I had a lot of time on my hands) and she's a surprisingly bloodthirsty young madam. I believe the count of goon kills was around the 230 - 240 mark - mostly by arrow to the face but occasionally ice axe in the back of the head. There were also I think

He's a Teessider - They're like geordies who've been exposed to a lifetime of toxic chemicals. Most famous example is probably Ser Davos from Game of Thrones. Who is really Irish.

Which is a little ironic when we're talking about a man who lost money running casinos

We're discussing a grown woman who has through her own volition used raunch and sex as a major part of her image and made (and continues to make) millions of dollars out of it. That's in no way a bad thing.

Err Aziz Ansari is not Korean.

That's because they traded Gerard Depardieu to Russia. It's a one-in one-out policy for arseholes. The US will have to accept an equally loathsome foreigner if they want to get rid of Chris Brown.

Is there some sort of Anti-Ed Burns revisionism going on I don't know about?

Bear in mind that it's also Dale Earnhart Jr's race number and he is rather popular in rural areas. Whilst sterotyping loves to suggest otherwise, the next redneck you see with a camo baseball cap emblazoned with a big '88' is probably not a member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Its a nice idea but the whole franchise has always relied on the kiddies (and their benefactors) for its financial backbone and Rey has already been positioned as a role model for the girls.

"You see Finn. These banthas are small but those banthas are far away"

Wasn't Weegee one of the dodgy characters that Han Solo owed money to in The Force Awakens?

How's that swamp-draining going?

Dunno what it is with Swedes and ham-fisted social justice anthems but if you think that's bad you should check out Scandinavia's pasty-faced answer to Rage Against The Machine, 'Clawfinger' and their early 90's anti-racism anthem 'N***er*'

I liked the fact that due to MTV being the sorry state of affairs it is, they had to spend their time riffing on Jersey Shore and Teen Mom shit.

Fair point! Can't argue with that.

I'd add that the bikes in Dredd were embarrassing. Great work by Karl Urban though.

I dunno. El Mariachi has already had a mention in dispatches and Desperado was just a bigger budget remake with an attempt to beat John Woo at selling two-gun slo-mo to a mainstream US audience.

"Ho Ho Ho, Happy Holidays!"