
I was referring to Mike’s relationship with Max and some choice dialogue where he made Eleven’s disappearance all about him. Overall I think the writers did his character a great disservice this season, not sure what to do with him with Eleven off having adventures and Will taking the focus.

In my fantasy, Eleven and Max start dating. Mike is such a selfish little drip.

Yeah only on planet FUCK THIS WEED IS STRONG is Litter Caesar’s a preferred dinner choice over Pizza Hut.

You’ve probably benefited far more from the existence of unions than you realize, and these types of stories are not representative of a majority of unions across a wide range of enterprises, so thank you for your opinion but sit down.

Dude did you hit your head? Seek medical help!

The only two characters from the original series that were actually ‘cool’ were Audrey (who tried to be cool and succeeded) and Deputy Hawk (who was just naturally cool and didn’t need to try).

I will give it all to Leslie Jones. I say without hesitation that she is one of the smartest comedians in show business.

So slimy and scaly. Should be thrown back into the ocean. Also the fish look gross too.

These films are no longer amusing, nor is the Trump presidency.

Like the Jungle League of America? Justice Primates of America? Legion of Opposable Thumbs?

Thank you for pointing out the WEIRDEST prop in the whole film — the sultry Rob Lowe poster. Why does a boy have that on his wall! Given his wardrobe I want to think that Corey Haim’s character is a burgeoning gay. Although I was his age when I first watched — and in the closet — so I was certainly projecting.

I played the cassette so often that I wore it out in my car and it broke. So I bought a second one.

Am I allowed to be annoyed with both Confederate and Black America as well as (belatedly) The Handmaid’s Tale? These sound like speculative fiction projects that appear to be difficult to support over an entire series. Witness Handmaid, which is already straining against its well meaning, but weakly designed,

It’s funny because Widow’s always one of my favorite parts of these films even though, for the most part, she’s useless from a power perspective. I just think she evens out some of the bombast.

Don’t be shocked by that. I think many of us consider Cisco the best character (and the best performance on the show). It’s just funny that he’s really playing Vibe which I originally remember as being the worst member of the Justice League in comic book history.

Not to be horribly shallow but this became my #1 most anticipated film of 2018 on this strength of this single shot. HOT.

Only if there’s stripping involved! Like I literally want Van Helsing to be a vampire hunter who must strip down to his underwear to retrieve a hidden stake.

A Sony/Screen Gems release coming out in January? Yeah this is gonna suck.

I have a very bad feeling that Stranger Things Season Two will somehow try and bring Barb back from the dead. “What you saw in the swamp with a snake coming out of her mouth was a dream!”

The bigger story is being ignored here. If you look closely at the human figure to the left of her...