
Ooh that's nice.

Looks like Octopath's gimmick with added steps.

I was scared there for a moment that they suddenly canceled this too.

I was thinking of something like Genshin Impact? But with League characters.

Aw so should I skip it? I liked the original Ju-On and was looking forward to this.

OH! Loved that anime. Glad a second season is confirmed.

Oops. Yeah I didn’t, my bad. It popped up on my YT recommendations before this article appeared in my feed so I went straight to the comments. Wonder why they changed studios.

Did they change studios or just the animation style? Looks like a Fire Emblem Three Houses cutscene on some parts.

Surprised there aren’t a lot in here. Since Kotaku's FB post is full of them.

Looks like Priapus in some of them.

So the haptic feedback is basically their version of HD Rumble?

Excluding time traveling, you can get a house on the 2nd day, and you can get the museum on the 4th day. Sunday is the 4th day for some people who got the game last Thursday (also, people in Australia may look like they're ahead). Also, if you played nonstop, you can get a LOT of fauna. Some are even getting whale

Same. I’ve grown attached to the mini-museum beside my house.

I like this one. It's.... Relaxing to look at. So it definitely comes down to preference. I also love the dual color thing it has going on. It’s off-white at the back.

Some people actually like pastel colors. I’m one of those. I'm actually curious how it would look when used with my Neon Green one. Currently using Yellow/Green combo and I've also used Purple/Green and they all look nice to me.

I think the most popular character would be the most “cool” looking and... Well... Ninjas are cool, I guess. I personally don’t like Greninja's design. It has a tongue scarf. Well at least Mimikyu got top 3.

In the final battle my Linhardt almost died (wtf is up with that boss gimmick btw), and I was soooooo stressed out. Good thing managed to keep him alive. Claude died though, but I’m just on Casual so didn’t matter much plus it’s not the main game. Edelgard is such a tank though, except against magic users.

Plus Samsung had their own line of classic flip phones too. They even had Android flip phones. The Z Flip is obviously the next generation of those.

From all the videos I’ve watched, it’s doable since the device is slim enough, but the hinge is so stiff and the shell so slippery that you risk dropping the phone if you’re trying to always open it that way. It’s clearly designed to be a 2-handed affair, which is in contrast to the Razr’s hinge and whole design

I think Samsung's first one, the Galaxy Fold, had the right idea, but executed it poorly since it was rushed to market to beat Huawei into releasing one (and the alleged theft of the technology by the Chinese). It's basically a tablet that can fold to a phone. A pocketable tablet. They're probably working on a version