
What I think this illustrates is the gap between theory and action. Most of my fellow white people act like racism is a binary, and if you approach them with abstract notions, like redressing past injustice, reforming our systems to ensure everyone is fairly treated, or developing more thoughtful and inclusive

Very funny AND charming, just like the Beast Man himself! Can I get an amen fellow Beast Boys!?!?

This here. I don’t mind having to unlock a shoulder twice (you had to in Reach, as well, and I like having asymmetrical shoulders sometimes), but to lock colors is just mind-numbingly stupid, especially when I’ll have to unlock them again if I ever switch cores! Like you, I’m attached to a certain color scheme - one

Yep. Considering my only child is named Raistlin, my dog Tanis...I am definitely in on this as a grand retirement plan.

All the canvassing for the midterm elections really depleted our reserves. 

If I up my Chapo Patreon pledge will that also get me out of the grays? Would that work for Cum Town? Asking on behalf of the President of the DSA/Clown Prince of the Alt-Right.

I want to say it’s like 20 or so reboots which is why Banshee is so far down shit creek.

“...and that’s when the nanobots dissolve and supercharge the circulatory system. Anyway, what’s your speciality?”

Heh, the neverending challenge. I remember in high school in the 90s somebody setup Quake on all the Win95 PCs in the programming lab (learning Pascal long after it was relevant), and we would manage to play it multi-player deathmatch and Alt-Tab as necessary. And then there was ZShell for the TI calculators.

I don’t want a liberal party. I want a progressive party, and so help me, I will drag the Democrats kicking and screaming to the left until they get there.

If I can get my boys looking like this, that would be nice.

I would have just given him a trash bag and made him go as reaper

Thanks, I actually used “X” as a placeholder thinking most ppl wouldn’t get the “*” wildcard ref. The fact that it ref’d an actual MK game using horror-based fighters was completely unknown to me - I have a starting point, mayhaps I can progress from there :)

The traditional markets are already in a huge bubble. The crypto thing also wont have a final crash. It might dump at some point to wash out all the scams. Which IMO are basically the same as penny stock gambles.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” 

In many ways, it’s a debate of ideas.

Regardless of my feelings on any particular celebrity or influential figure, moments like the one above restore a little faith in the human race. I realize they’re not meaningful in any larger sense, but they’re hope and I’ll take that at least.

You know what else is famous for cheese? Cheese pizzas. Pizzas and politicians go together like Hilary and Comets. Hailey’s comet will be like a ping pong ball that passes by our planet, surely trying to doom us. Really makes you think.

If ETP and SXL start drilling again in defiance of the Army Corp of Engineers, then the Governor of North Dakota and the local sheriff will surely have to go after them with water cannons, dogs, rubber bullets, and orders to evacuate, right? Right? Because they care about laws and stuff.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”