
Sure it does - ousting Altman has jeopardized the ability of OpenAI employees to sell their shares at an astronomical valuation. The buyers have made it clear that deal is at least somewhat contingent on Altman running the company. Hundreds of people had a sweet payday lined up and now it’s in the wind.

The forge stuff is really cool. It’s a shame the customs browser is utterly broken.

Even funnier: if you pay $15 for Game Pass Ultimate you can technically play Halo 5 too via cloud streaming. You can access and play every Halo title ever released for less than the price of the skin.

Marcus Lehto (of Halo fame) has a studio working on what is ostensibly being touted as a single-player Battlefield experience - I’m hopeful that it’s something in the vein of Bad Company 1 and 2.

This is plainly a bad release but I don’t think we can pin it up as an omen of COD’s decline. COD’s decline has been decreed a half dozen times already, and then a few years later innovate on a feature or two (no more than two innovations allowed per title) and drop a 60 fps trailer on nextgen tech and it’s the COD

It’s a bummer but it’s not surprising if you consider Destiny’s journey. It launched in disaster mode, plainly riddled with the fallout effects of last minute changes in major systems and plot points. Most subsequent releases - Destiny 1's DLC and Destiny 2 from launch until now - have helped to right the ship but

It’s convenient cover for Biden. Nobody made him dredge up a Bush Era executive order rule to waive those permits but him.

Liberals don’t care. They’ve managed to do the mental gymnastics necessary to swallow Biden’s excuse that he simply had no choice but to dredge up a specific legal interpretation of a 2006 Bush era law and then apply it to waive 26 laws and expedite the wall. He simply had to do it, because Congress appropriated the

Just another example of Biden refusing to take a stand on environmental issues. He asserts that his hands are tied, as if he’s not the fucking President of the United States, more than capable of mucking up a project like this with delay tactics. This is less than a month after the GAO report highlighting widespread

I rolled a fresh start character last night and spent most of my time with autorun on. There is just no reason to not have mounts. If it’s a pvp issue, make it so you can’t mount when you opt in to pvp. Its already entirely optional anyway.

Now playing

I dunno, Neotropolis is an entirely DIY hobby type event and every year they put out a slick highlight reel with shots that could come straight off a film set. And that’s without a Hollywood budget.

It’s a decent MMO if you are looking for something that isn’t WoW/FFVIX/SWTOR/whatever else tab target 123456789 combat. It’s also really nice looking and has beautiful sound design. I don’t think it nails the promises it tried to make at launch about how PvP and the economy should work but there’s an enjoyable game

The leveling experience consists of a whole lot of running for long stretches of time - so does gathering. Since pvp is optional anyway, there’s no reason to not have mounts. 

I played through the main story, Crimson Fleet, SysDef, and a smattering of side quests plus a little NG+ over around 70 hours. It was fun, but I hit the point where I’m ready to put it down and wait for a hopefully improved experience to see the rest of the game in a year or two. Just way too many baffling,

If they add move pinning, fix the dumb parts of invasion (I think you can just stand still on all the bullet dodge survival things, for example), fix the UI lag, and resolve the netcode hitching issues in multiplayer, it will be a high point for the series.

I really like fighting games, but I’m really bad at them. I struggle with memorizing lots of combo strings and sometimes with the speed the inputs in many games require. So I always end up picking up a fighting game, clearing it’s meager single player offerings, and then giving it up after a streak of disastrous pvp

It started working for about an hour last night after they tweeted about improvements but it’s back to utterly broken and non functional.

I didn’t think it would be possible for a 2023 11th hour run on ‘worst launch of the year’ after all the big behemoth AAA titles dropped but here Starbreeze is, really doing it.


Great example of this: Twitter prohibited political ads until very recently. If you tried to run an advertisement about solar legislation, or about the danger of fossil fuels, you would get rejected. But if Chevron wanted to run an ad about how great their latest bullshit clean oil thing is, that’s just fine.

Even now,

You can gather and intuit all sorts of things with the kind of sensors on a modern connected car. If they have a companion mobile app, they can learn even more. And if they are party to a data broker network they can match up the data they have on you with data they’ve purchased elsewhere (your grocery store club card

Like many of the big AAA behemoths of the last couple years (looking at Cyberpunk, Darktide, etc) that had rough landings, I think it’s pretty clear that Starfield tried to be a hundred different games during development, and sometimes all of them at once. There’s a quest where you help Stroud-Eklund design a starship