
Tell them homosexuality is not the antural course for us as animals, but is ok in na societal factor, and that they’ll most likely grow out of it. 

Sam’s Club Bakers 10inch Chef Knife $19.99, poly handle, great steel, great all around, cheap chefs’ knife...

Sam’s Club Bakers 10inch Chef Knife $19.99, poly handle, great steel, great all around, cheap chefs’ knife...

Whites and Asians usually leave blacks in the dust...


another head glitch, poor map deisgn, network based, lag compensation, POS COD... i’ll pass again..

Just shows how broken these games are and how lag comp negates any reskill. Almost guarantee eeveryone gets the jump on him, shoot first, die first...COD mantra..

No wonder Trump won...these are Killary’s primary voting base hahahahaha

LGBTQA1-steak sauce lol.

Like DEMI “ JUNKIE” LAVATO..another loser bites the dust. Good riddence. More people go through more shit daily than this weak cuck and deal with it..pfft.

Bro..Ive paid more into the tax system then you have lol...stop with that you pay for shit. Making 30k a year..u pay nothing in taxes. Im not in debt, as I PAY FOR HER COLLEGE AS SHE GOES lol. Also, when she becomes a hematologist oncologist, making upwards of 230-250 year...we’ll be doing golden as a married couple.

Civilians? Nope, but did put rounds down range against some Islam GEOPOLITICAL movement believing haji lol. ALLAH SNACKBAR...all RELIGIONs are stupid as is, Islam is not a religion, but a geo political ideology... lol you hate jews, thus you’re HITLER

What don’t you understand about txt on a one checks for corrections on this shit. Lol. You can google the AR on procedure following a T.B.I. If you’re smart, you know the WAIS isn’t a “point based” system, though there is a formula to convert to a numeric value. I was a 3/4 4/4 4/4 4/4. Figure it out. Som

You’re not connecte, you’re family isn’t some CIA SAD shit. Seriously, you’re the worst case of STOLEN VALOR/ LEGACY I’ve ever seen lol...also you’re anti-semetic. You’re not some 20 year old genius coder who never got a degree in computer science or any certification at 20. Stop dude. You’re a fat kid who lives with

You’re a retarded conspiracy theorist lol. Stay off the drugs man. Again you always have some experience that mimics my life... again you’rej ust so full of shit..stop the lying. You’re anti-semetic and a FUCKING RACIST man. You’re gonna call me some BS and then you’re an anti-semetic jew hating clown lol..Im done yo

Shows how broken aiming and mechanics of fortnite are. Game made for little kids with 0 skill and microtransactions..

At this point, a law needs to be enacted, where ince a company stops supporting their games, it becomes abandon ware and they hold no legal rights. 


Who is going to jail for violating 4th Amendment rights of Carter Page? This belief is based on a political opposition research, that was never verified. Someone swore under oath that this document is real and legitimate. Someone needs to go to the pokey!

Man Nunes was right...F.B.I lied about evidence of C. Page..the FUSA literally states “ F.B.I believed Page was a Russian agent” but PRESENTED 0 EVIDENCE. I believe Hillary is a lizard alien..I have evidence..believe me... lol