
If it’s a public school, then it’s a 1st amendment issue.

It sounds like a legislative cap, you often can’t get more than a certain amount in a lawsuit if it is a governmental hospital, etc.

Many people who know milo have said, he doesn’t believe in any of the crap he spouts. He’s a self-serving sociopath who has found a niche which gives him money, publicity and an intense form of deranged adoration/attention, and he is milking it for all it is worth. This is a great insight from Laurie Penny, a fellow

You will respect my authoritah!

I go to UC Davis but didn’t attend because I have the flu, but I would have most likely been there. It is a total shit show right now on campus. Everyone’s screaming that libtard snowflakes are destroying the constitution with their PC regressive agenda (lol), and some students are receiving death and rape threats

It’s not universities that invite him. It’s usually a student group (like the College Republicans). A public school cannot turn Milo away without violating the 1st amendment. The only reason they can deny him is if they can say that his speech would cause a security threat, or if the expense of hiring extra security

Because it’s different from kidnapping. It’s illegally detaining

So this is like an analog version of e-sports? What will they think of next?

NM Coach: You fucking idiot, we are clearly creatures of determism because it is never possible for us to do anything different from what we actually do, ... in each case, the circumstances that exist before we act determine our actions and make them inevitable.

This alleged new type of Mexicans wouldn’t pull this if we had a wall.

No. More of a window into the posibility of future threats

Sounds like this snowflake needs to go to his safe space. *sniffle*

Thanks, Stephen. That was great.

Way to go, UC Davis students. After Milo’s egregious performance at UW Milwaukee, where he singled out a student for ridicule and harassment, even the most luddite Twitter-illiterate college administrators should recognize his disingenuous free-speech hand-wringing as a smokescreen for hate-speech and intimidation.

Milo loves being a pretend victim; this is his Christmas.


“Can we not go one day without this illegitimate president-elect doing or saying something that is infuriating?” That would be a no.

I know people are concerned about protestors, and rightly so! But the way that its framed here is ANY group of people gather along a public road way. I know that this is big sky country, but if thats how its written, it could be argued that this would apply to anyone on a sidewalk.

If liberals don’t start actually fucking voting, we are no-shit going to enter a dystopia where the constitution is all but gone. I’m even more mad at my own group than I am at conservatives. We know that this kind of shit is exactly what they’re always going to try and do when in power, and we don’t care enough to