
21 Things you had NO IDEA were clickbait!

lol I love that you think anyone on the other side is going to give a shit about your “schooling.” Your degree in African-American Trans Women Studies does not mean anyone should take your “schooling” seriously.

tom hanks is the greatest American of all time shut your damn mouth.

tho I greatly respect Lincoln.

If adults want to play a game that is sexual in nature amongst themselves and someone who wasn’t involved gets offended, those people are now forced to heel and face “consequences” for no reason other than to make the offended party feel better.

Is this even a surprise? It’s ass backwards China.

Trust me, you do a good enough job of making an ass out of yourself, no help needed whatsoever. My premises are right, and a simple Google search supports them but like other POCs you put on your blinders and blame Whitey for the overwhelming societal issues you both have and create.

If we’re going to get rid of a bullshit day how about Valentine’s day? I just spent cash at Christmas now “big flower/greeting card” says I have to spoil my wife so all her friends will be jealous. Take a look at that ring on your damn finger..happy valentines for the next 20 fucking years.

Actually, he generally opposed slavery and he and his wife funded efforts to free slaves in the South. He and his wife also set up a school for slaves (which was illegal, BTW). But he was a product of his time, too, and any idealism he may have held about slavery had to be tempered against what he considered to be


What makes you think your opinion is more valid than another? What gives you the right to “teach” people your way?

“I don’t want to come off as a xenophobe, but every time I hear someone speak Russian . . . “

Most of the people don’t remember history class well enough to remember that fact. Mainly slavery was bad, the north won, and many people died is all that is remembered....

Who the fuck cares? It’s an American holiday there’s no point getting triggered over nothing. The moment you libtards stop labeling people white, and black, and just calling them American’s we’ll have less racism for once.

I like how it’s conservative voters who are fear-driven.

Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.

Classic Trumptard argument. All fluff but hollow inside.

Venus’ atmosphere is 96% CO2. There are no plants. Something about the CO2 creating a greenhouse effect which has raised the temperature. Apparently temps of 900F are not conducive to sustaining life as we know it.

it’s near “The Iraq”