
I can see an objection to insemination, but a modern dairy cow (bred by AI) produces one calf per year, which is basically the same (one calf/year) birth rate as a herd bred cow on the range. Obviously range cattle are more susceptible to predation by mountain lions and wolves and whatnot. The difference is that dairy

This is the comment section of an online tabloid. We all conduct ourselves differently here than at in-person social events.

So she sees a black man working on car, calls it in as theft, and then follows the man in her car while giving updates to the cops all while riding on a “hunch” and that’s okay behavior on her part? Yea, she deserves more than getting off on a “Oops, my bad!”.

This one?


It’s meat. It’s organ meat. It’s like eating a heart or gizzard or any of those delicious soup-making things you find wrapped up in a bag inside the body-cavity. So, you have a choice of considering yourself to be either “eating meat” or “committing cannibalism”. Or both.

I would guess it would be something along the lines of “You actions have implications, please think about that before making assumptions.”

Yet here you are, encouraging people to harass a woman because she what, called the police over someone actually screwing around with a vehicle?This is fucking reprehensible. I hope you get robbed and nobody does anything.

1. she isnt nosy for calling the cops. i hope my neighbors call the cops if they think someone is stealing my shit.

Ya. What is going to happen is a bunch of them are going to start doing a Gab pizzagate2.0 thing that goes too far. Then when the site says, “Eh, we can’t do that anymore, we don’t want to get sued/ in prison” the pizzagate 2.0ers will start accusing the site owner of sabotage and/or being a part of the conspiracy.

Yeah, she racially profiled him. On the other hand, why didn’t he roll down the window and have his license and registration offered?

At least it’s not another shitty article by Barry.

That description of placenta is worse than bologna and bologna is fucking disgusting.

One spoonful was all I got and needed.

Note to self: save a pic of that point-of-impact as a screensaver.

+the last time Deadspin decided Aaron Rodgers was a Holy God and decided to dedicate a weekly article to him and that didn’t last very long #2015

Good thing the Vikings fans have a bye week to rest up for the big game next week!