
You’re missing Clutch from Rockets.

Wow, I’m surprised you forgot to cite your large dong and 6 figure income.

Burneko acts like a maniac but writes like he has a brain tumor.

No, most Kinja readers think you and your writing are moronic.

Counterpoint: RIP

This comment makes the most sense

The saddest part is SVP is not even that great. This is how far ESPN has fallen.

Even the analogy he uses here with the row house stairs is bad writing. Also the background music to this is the generic “close sporting match” music which does not match with the somber context of his message.

Glad to see someone from

Yeah, you’re probably right. The NBA is similar to WWE. I would not be surprised if they were homosexual lovers. Looks can be deceiving, at least Russell tries to clue us in with his wardrobe. Beverly looks like the guy I gave $5 to under the bridge this morning.

Now playing

This is so funny yet sad that I wanted to comment just to have it bookmarked to send to an ombudsman. Journalism, in general, has gone down in quality over the last 20 years, but ESPN is exceptionally brutal.

Joe, but there’s got to be a better way, better way... yeah?

You just answered your own question. It doesn’t take troubling off-court behavior for tennis fans to not like a player; it can be just troubling on-court behavior.

It makes no difference.

Beat me to that comment. If he is not on PEDs, nobody is.

From the Seton Hall player’s perspective, he has to foul there. Hard to imagine that he would want to flagrant foul the opponent at that crucial point in the game. It is borderline lunacy and, if so, he would have the BBall IQ restraint of a young Ron Artest, which we can agree is very rare.

...with noise cancelling headphones on while listening to My Bloody Valentine’s “Sometimes” on full volume and thinking sad thoughts.

Meteor is instant death so wishing him to be paralyzed is a better curse.

No his assessment is quite accurate, Rasheed Wallace was not as good as Green in the NBA.

If they cut him, I still dont understand how a second round draft pick is worth 16 mil. Can somebody explain to me or is it just the Browns being the Browns?

In short, just eat some Adderall.

I am familiar with that Trevor Noah stand-up routine but since I am the world’s manliest man, I had to voice my two cents.