
That's fair. I've watched the show every night since it's been on, and yes, there are parts of it that don't work. The "Keep It 100" segment rarely if ever worked, and I must admit I don't enjoy some of the correspondents. Ricky is too into the stoner thing for me and Franchesca is too millennial.

This is the problem. Not that the show lacked perspective, or the correspondents were soft, or the lead-in was weak. Social media is a pox on the face of the world.

I do enjoy TFE still, although it narrowly beat Eric Johnson's Venus Isle for the '96 title.

Me too! On back to back nights! Drove to Atlanta for the first night, turned around and drove to Charlotte for the second night.

"Hey, I noticed her wiper fluid is low…do I have your permission to fill it?"

"what does the mother think?"

I am SO amused by that. It pops up very infrequently, and when it does I swear there's somebody in programming getting fired for that blunder.

"I did a lot of work with Earnhardt back in the late 1990s"

Mine either, and my very traditional father-in-law did not appreciate that. He's never said anything directly, but the vibe was there.

Were they laughing because you should have said it was a great movie?

By the way, Galt, the asshole cop(ok most assholish cop) reminds me of Dale Earnhardt Sr. in a big way.

Agreed. People always lump First Blood in with II and III, and that's just so wrong and so missing the point of the First Blood.

Test for Echo by Rush. Used up plenty of rechargeable batteries in my portable disc player listening to it while walking back and forth to work.

For a moment I thought you said polio.

The goggles do NOTHING!

Funny thing about Kilborn…when he was first on ESPN I hated him. And then one day, it was like a switch was thrown and I got him. I had a similar experience with Bevis and Butthead.

With respect to Ms. Siede, "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" is Christopher Walken singing it with his buddies in the bar in The Deer Hunter.

Breathe Me by Sia, from the Six Feet Under finale.

You've given me plenty to think about.

Well, the title is largely self-conferred, although admitting on a public forum that you own two functioning 2600s certainly helps with any membership interviews.