
Hmm…I went to a small branch of the University of Pittsburgh system and I can't think of anything that was ubiquitously played by anybody. Kick by INXS was crazy popular at the time('88), but it wasn't until the fall of '91, and the mass acceptance of Metallica's self-titled, that you'd hear the same album all over

I must have missed that freshman orientation session when Legend was handed out.

That's true, but to paraphrase Randy Marsh…

Not that female characters must always be portrayed as sexual objects, but the only time she comes close to alluring is on the freighter and even then you know the slinky dress is just a costume, a disguise for the character.

Right…an Asian orphan and America are inextricably linked…

Ooo that's a good slate too!

"There's always time for love Short Round…"
(Indy looks at camera as porn music plays)

I wasn't evaluating the line on it's originality, just its quotability.

Good point. Raiders is almost non-stop action, but somewhere else in this thread, somebody wrote a well reasoned piece on the distinction between the two.

Look, I'm a nerd, but I'm not going for Super Nerd!

"it was Willie and her constant screaming and whining…especially after Raiders went out of its way to develop an usually strong female lead"

Look, we're all entitled to our opinions and preferences, and if you like a played-out drunk with no style who chooses to live in Nepal, well, you have at her!

That's what people keep telling me!

The little cock-blocker! Here's some change Shorty, go buy some chilled monkey brains!

Well, we'll have to share controllers…take turns…

"I wasn't aware you could buy Intellivision consoles."

I can recall these too easily, but…

"In the 1980s, we had Intellivision."


Incorrect! Kate Capshaw was the sexiest thing in the Indy Universe until that hot Nazi archaeologist showed up in Crusade.