
I have a current friend who is about eight years younger than me, which makes him 37. He too was younger when he saw Doom, and he too has no problem with Short Round.

He's right though.

Well said!

Ehh…you make some good points.

All of you stop Short Rounding me!!!

I didn't say it sucked, and there are some very enjoyable parts to it. But almost all of Short Round's scenes grate on me.

I know we're mixing quotable properties here but…

Shut the hell up! I never knew that. Now it's even more cool!

I use that line all the time!

Crusade is certainly benefiting in my mind by not being Doom.

Happy Birthday! No wait…

I remember lines from Escape. Friends of mine would do the "I heard you were dead" line all the time. Even in 2004 a new coworker of mine repurposed a work-function picture of me in a black dress shirt by drawing on a scar and an eye patch and calling me Snake.

Ooo, see I would put Crusade a close 2nd behind Raiders. And no, I'm not ignoring Skull, I put it third because I dislike Short Round. He ruins Doom for me.

"Excalibur was awesome."

Starring very young Beastie Boys?

Ehhh…I love Fury Road. LOVE it. But even for as awesome as I think it is, there's something about the interplay of characters in The Road Warrior that makes it a touch more poignant.

Yes, there we go, that's it. You and @avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus articulated what I was struggling to say.

Also, I never thought of Raiders as an action movie, which feels odd to type. I always thought of it as just Raiders. Escape from New York was an action movie.

Holy crap 1981 was awesome! And I lived through it!, but didn't realize it until now.

To be basted in juices? Or a hand shoved up its ass? Either way, I'm just gonna stand over here…