
"I don't know why but he's lost his biting satire and social commentary on current events."…"he holds back from saying anything too divisive that could potentially alienate viewers"

"Colbert is at least a show for grown-ups."

"it seems like the absurd Strangers With Candy-esque edge to his humor is just not apparent at all"

"might have been tired of doing the Report."

"CBS has always had problems in late night"

"The late show is on cbs.com"

Call me an old man, call me out of touch, call me a dinosaur, but fuck social media. I watch Colbert on a TV, in real time and I don't have any interest in pursuing anything online.

If you fly close to the sun, occasionally you're gonna get burned!

Get some lawyers on retainer since Scientology will most likely sue, but yeah, that could be fun.

"He slides around the game’s Martian arenas as if he were in socks and the whole planet is one big kitchen floor."

Well ok then!


Do my nostrils look bigger to you?

You don't need to be famous. Just do a few comedy sets at an open mic, start a podcast, and Marah will find you!

I think she's doing a bit.

But…but…I'm tall!

Wait, are we saying that short people do have a reason to live?

I was prepared to have this be irritating in the way so many of these pieces are, but if she's doing a bit, it's a pretty good bit.


But that's a callback to an earlier joke.