
In general, yes. It's rare to see a movie that isn't trying to bring in the teens and their ticket revenues.

"you can have something without having the opposite thing!"

Yes. That. Perfect.

If Wolverine isn't trying to kill people, he should stop the chest cavity stabbing and just sever ligaments. Go all Carl Spackler and cut some hamstrings!


"There are X-Men writers that have made the case and been backed up by Marvel- that Wolverine has never and would never kill anyone."

I'm not being dismissive here, it's just too late to get into this type of discussion.

See, I'm getting sucked in here…

"my point really was that those were, in fact, kid's movies,"

As a failed Catholic and defiant atheist, I won't dispute that my knowledge of other religions is limited.

Really? You're not down with the Yub-Nub? I get why it kinda had to be replaced; soaring orchestral music is universal, so when you show the Naboo and Coruscant people celebrating, you can't have them getting down to Country Bears' Jamboree.

"the films were originally designed as Flash Gordon-style entertainments"

"I mean, Disney in the 50s/60s made a fair amount of films which were kind of upsetting for kids ('Old Yeller', among many)."

"How did that sand crawler dispose of Jawa waste?"

" Why good characters would want 'balance' against evil rather than to wipe it out?"

Exactly! I said something similar in my response…it's around here somewhere.

We disagree. On almost everything you said.

Perception. A younger friend of mine(he's in his 30s ) has said on several occasions something to the effect of, "They're kids' movies, of course they suck."

The Jedi are Catholic?

Ha! More Star Wars week plays-on words!